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COMMANDERS LOG: JING Golden Hind (explorer class) Odd Duck (type of

wessel)Innerpoise (The ALTITUDE and Attitude of HER Name!). Heathen CENTRAL

Tide 2005.2.22.<Commander-Lof KAUL ADEMINFINATUM Trance Scribing
This Thing of Beauty Called LIFE never fails to Amaze & Amuse. Am
consistently & constantly in awe of Thee Wonders of my crew. Their own self
correcting of what seems aberrant ways. Am fondly reminded of pith from
friend & sage Lorne Green Son, when a man knows deep down in his heart that
something is trueno argument or proof is ever needed. Too, while among the
Allied wons known as The MiAmi, their Sacred Song, a kind of national anthem,
to their version of Creation--ANI--bespeaks of their knowing that

These logs are merely kept as simple reminders to those who may choose to
follow The Path of The STARMANS SUN. More notes on what has been brought to
my attention by Dr. Somhounds & staff are filed herein. They are being kept
minimized to ensure a total grasping at the moment theyre absorbed.

COMMANDERS LOG: JING GHOD Innerpoise HCT Date 2005.12.4

<Commander-Lof KAUL ADEMINFINATUM appended: Dr. Somhounds patient came to
my attention again recently. Despite this ships good doctors claim of this
crewmans improving heath, he felt his charge during WINTERCOUNT Tide had
relapses with faulty communication. Though I see by referring to my earlier
log about this constant debacle, Dr. Somhounds patient, Able Bodied Crewman
COMMUNICATION Specialist Nohwhensunn has realized sum sort of BALANCE

[A brief lateral entry here: A.B.C. ComSpec Nohwhensunn has asked that
his true identity be kept to a minimal so any kin will not suffer from the
further embarrassment or shame down any proposed generations. He is all too
familiar with the legacy or lack thereof of The Dark Eagle.]

I am confident that no further inquiries will have to be made within

Nowhensunns deep and dark psyche. By conforming with any Local AsAres
current compliances, this patient is ready for active duty once more.

From the case files of Dr. Karl Somhounds, Ships Counts All serving aboard
The Innerpoise:

Per our Good Commander-Lof suggestion, the files on this particular case are
available to view. Kauls reasons for this rare insight about his able bodied
hands well being: To help others realize Time EQUALS Attention Equals LOVE.
When these equations of Greater Good are applied all concerns stay small,
provided balances are kept. For the Bore War Hunters it may be best for them
to skip the details of this most exciting account of Bravery & Sacrifice
against near overwhelming odds. Such Truthiness might be too much for their
febrile little minds to handle.
I am choosing to call this particular case "CRYSTAL SHARDS. File Number
Fourteen" By naming said files it makes it far easier for those in The SOLORE
Service to be able to access The Data Energized Indexed Info at near
lighthought speeds. It is something we have found our own Primal
Antecedents were able to accomplish with the use of Runes on Hides of WINTER
COUNT. Though enough about my own paltry achievements.
What continues to fascinate us all in the corps even unto this very day I
will now begin to process so that it can be referenced for future physicians
in helping them serve others as well.

A crewman of this very wessel had come to me most recently complaining of a

general malaise of sorts, if you will. His current guise Nohwhensunn will
remain until all involved unmask their selves, too. It seems that he had
neglected to keep clean his Father's Coat-Of-Arms for several tidesor as
these current Earth bound humans call it, seasons. He fondly liked to call
that iron clad sigil of Elder Family Memory The Deep Pa CODE in fondness for
his own Pa.

Having realized at once his predicament, those rather close to this able
bodied c-man proceeded from there. His area of operations included working
down in the black gang constantly feeding the WARBLAZERS Cold Maw. When
not doing that, he acts as one of a small contingent of Specialists of
Communication. Par for his course, naturally his other skills include JANG,
our own JING form of unarmed combat in which once one totally realizes that
they are in fact one with all, then no weapons whatsoever are needed to
thrive. In effect we become Living Weapons our OWN Selves.

I asked as to his reasoning behind not honoring his Pas choice of Lore. The
near instant reply was he had such a strong desire to see the levels beyond
what non-jing call reality. Claiming he was near ready to pay any price of
sacrifice, meant also severing the familial obligations so necessary to all
JING Ripple Rift Ships and crews compliments. I reassured him quickly such
left hand Path feelings & thoughts only lead to self destruction.
Our Way simply states as WARRIORS and jokks we are just people with such
zests for life in all its forms, it can lead to our own destruction if not
structured via a daily discipline. Even if they're not currently ones own
rules, until sufficient proof is acknowledged by ones superiors--which in
JING life, is All--but to one self as well then a structured life is
He revealed to me when he digitized down to our present zone of crossed
dementia studies, he had come into contact with a certain set of ciphers.
These arcane scriptures triggered some sort of deep hard wired psychosis
within his own genetic fabric. I gently dismissed him from any further heavy
duties, sending him on his way per ship's Commander-Lof KAULs bidding. Using
our hidden cameras <so abundantly made clear even by daring to share this
very transcript here & now> and other recording devices we were able to track
his progress. It seems he had been keeping several journals about his own
life out here in the "BIG BLACK" as we affectionately call Our Space. We
micro spied upon him as he would daily write in his journals. Writing in that
archaic b. s. once known quaintly as ESPERANTO, it seems he never fully,
until very recently, got over the most glorious death of his friend and co-
commander, one Jakk Kalledwell. They had served for many a madcap scheme for
just about only two SOLORE years.

Kalledwells impact on this c-man's young life would forever leave a

lasting imprint on what it takes to lead life JING wise. Kalledwells word
was his law, always and in all forms. His compassion for others he shared his
lonely command with never knew any bounds. For that reason alone the crewman
would ever dare to emulate such noble virtues. Going into the details of Jakk
Kalledwells life would require such a huge file surpassing in content, form
and message those old hackneyed series such as TALKWINDs "BOAR'D by RUNES."
Or those "Halfassed Penpuller" series of mediocre adventures for that matter,
written by an authoress whose name escapes me now. Hence let it thus suffice
for now, til all have realized closure of their own kind that this file is
enough to uncover certain universal truthinessess as espoused by Kalledwells
hard won philosophy and life style of INTENT over CONTENT, witches also
known among peerage as ZENSE COMMON.
In his journal he writes of having dared to listen to others own forms of
lingo links and subjects archaic. They were done in such ways only the wisest
among Eridueans could hope to decode them within a life time. To help
maintain course corrections, he cared enough to reveal here in Deep Psych
Analysis Synthesis Paralysis, the following contained clues on Kalledwells
own universal truths data base. "Born On The Bayou" by those mad poets
called CCR, John FOGERTYS classic gem, Rock and Roll Girls, "Soul Man"
by a duet of Jesters called SAM & DAVE and "I Think About It All The Time" by
won named JOHN BERRY are just a few tech rings that have been made
Those archaic devices enabled us to get into the crewman's head to
reestablish control so he is won with the Winned again.

The following is gleaned from his own writ on how he now feels towards the
enormity of his flaws with proper social skills. To wit
Les ShasseursD.J. Mark 1.14.56. Hour of THE White Crow:
In view of a recent series of blitz Krieg proportions on my part, it appears
I owe an apology to those I may have harmed via my own coming into being. If
any have ever seen the movie "CIRCLE OF IRON," here is how it may be best
illustrated...Ahsam The Blind Man & Cord The Seeker are walking along some
sandy strand. They come to a small village in which a young so-called
'beautiful boy' is being waited on hand & foot. The boy approaches Ahsam
demanding 'tribute.' Ahsam, in one swift motion slaps boy across the nose,
thus effectively 'breaking it.' Cord, distraught over his "teacher's"
apparent-to him-callous approach to such beauty demands an answer.
Finally, through much determination and deliberation on Cord's part, Ahsam
thus reveals "I saved that boy's parents, his village and him from himself.
He would have grown up to be a tyrant." (because of his natural 'beauty' he
had abused others with for so long). So, in light of that perspective, I was
granted via my own LOVED WON's-and maybe myself, undermining my own efforts
at self expression- a long hard 'slap 'cross't me knows at 'reality.' Let us
now pray to whomever that at long last no more knees, as in to beg, be

Those overexposed to his foreign contagions have left them unable to talk or
even see. Like a form of self induced blindness leading to self absorption.
When not treated quickly, a sense of not caring enough about others develops.
A cheap and tawdry suicide soon follows. As we in the SOLORE Corps know for
a fact that such confessions are good for the soul and always lead to
ultimate happiness, we now conclude that said able bodied crewman/c-man can
now return to full and active duties as per required by Commander-Lof KAUL as
well as his own JING life

My client continues to share with us his inner most man. Much progress being
made at here to fore unseen rates. His affect on crew, staff and even
Commanders is profound. As of yet, we really have no way of knowing just why
or how that is so. Perhaps it may have been his many decades spent in the
salt mines of Dugoose Five or yet maybe at the Academy D Sword of Seasem
Morist, oh HEX, it really does not matter! His exuberance seems to be
spreading like some virus were all embarrassed to admit is actually fun to
be afflicted with is whats winning over the hearts of those allowed to know
his mage-Ich touch.
Of course, those in the know realize that he only grants it when asked for.
Hes constantly absorbing new ways to apply his own hard won wisdom to suit
the needs of us who seem to experience life at somewhat slower speeds than
his is currently.
Just this morn, prior to my entering this D.E.I., I was taking down notes
about this wonderful & crazed madman and his lore to core yore. I made some
efforts at a covert type of writing to keep my thoughts private. Now writing
these very words, I come to realize such note taking on a broad scale isnt
needed. As a matter of fact again, he has me so enthused about my own efforts
at what I once considered a career in the entertainment industry, that in a
few moments those brief doggerels will be shared.

Perhaps one reason I chose to go the safe way to fame & fortune, almost
totally disassociating the inner man of mine from self expression in non-
socially acceptable ways, is because as a Counts All for this ship, I have to
focus on my clients needs first and foremost and LookEYE! take the hind most
in regard to how I may personally feel about any given subject. Of course my
own superiors know such debilitating sublimating after a period of many time
frames wreaks havoc to the very core if not responded to in a true and gentle
manner. Here is my own strivings to a possible seat among Valhallas Own
Chosen, though only an early one:
To see the differences in my subjects current frame of mind & how mine were
well over a decade gone, herewith are some brief examples of his own writing

Ships Log: JING GHOD Innerpoise <Commander-Lof KAUL ADEMINFINATUM Trance

Scribing: May these few final entries about young A.B.C. ComSpec
Nohwnensunn, of mine provide more answers than questions for any who still
choose to seek themabout this wessel, that is. ADEMINFINATUM out.>
Iron Rada
An entire Life spent
with My KOER
My Life
My Sol Yoked by
The Dominion of Others.
Of The Personae that
were, there are now
None except The WONE.
T o choose Fear over
LIFE is NOT Done.
I GOT FIERCE and Killed
My Fears.
With The POWER of SElf
Control and Discipline
~ IARNmark

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