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Heavens Gate

Published on February 15, 2017

Melanie Moses
Melanie Moses
Melanie Moses
Training Officer - NLP Practitioner -Coach & Poet :) EnerSys Ltd
Pillars of heaven 11:11
A sign for spirituality
Inspiration for many - that get to awaken and see
Some simply make a wish and set their intentions free
Hopeful that their greatest dreams will be granted and come true
Others know its reassuring them - they are on the right track
A personal message that resonates
Encouraging them not to look back
A signal for passion and purpose and following your dreams
A gate way of opportunity
Positivity - bursting at the seams
Be careful what you wish for and ensure you monitor your thoughts
Keep them upbeat and positive with a clear vision in mind
The universe will capture your intention - from this snap shot in time
If it's for your higher purpose and truly meant to be
You will be ever thankful for living abundantly
For some this date is their birthday and what a special day
A day of celebration with candles on a cake
The power of your wishes and a welcome twist of fate
A day for remembrance of those that are loved and lost
Who gave their lives in wars such a heavy price to pay
Eternally grateful for their efforts today
11:11 to me - just provides that reassuring sign
To know that I am living to the best of my abilities
With infinite potential - in line with my inner voice
Guiding and advising - to make the right choice
Angels often communicate through songs and through prayer
Reassuring and letting you know that they are there
Random songs on the radio which hold a personal meaning to you
Or number combinations for you to clearly view
Numbers on car number plates or other thoughtful ways
Instinctively looking and seeing the time
Truly sublime
A gentle whisper in your ear or a pleasant dream
With key messages provided as you observe the evolving scene
All meant to help you and sent at the right time
Another welcome gift sent from the divine xx
Written by Melanie Moses

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