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Mingo, Daniel J.

BS Architecture 4-2

KAPWA Worship House and Forest Park:

An Integration of Axial Communication in Sacred Architecture

I. Background of the Study

Man is truly a child of nature. In fact, human race is the highest level of being which is
gifted not only a corporeal body but also consciousness and ability to think. Man, over the time,
developed his abilities and acquired certain characteristics in order to survive. Although
equipped with intelligence, man still know less of the world he lives in and the unknown future
that lies before him. So our ancestors looked and tend to rely on something to ease their anxiety.
It was when vulnerability and fear is among them that they started to create a Higher Being.
They assume This Being to provide them security.
Over the time, their belief expanded and evolved as they populate different parts of the
world. This lead to the concept of religion. Different religions differ from each other on
practices, culture, traditions, and so on. They even have varying manner of objectification of the
Higher Being. Every religion claims that their way is the truth and proper. Unfortunately, their
various claims bring us to different factions. The ancient belief that was created from fear of
unknown has now evolved, divided us, and made us fear the world even more.
II. Statement of the Problem
We cannot deny that some of the major man-made tragedies of the recorded history
involves religion. Nazis imprisoned, killed, and burnt the Jews. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) kills westerners, reporters, and Christians. People forgot why there is a religion. People
tend to value the way of showing their faith and not the faith itself. In this world of turmoil due
to religion, do you wish to have a religion anymore?
Secularization is another issue that concerns religion. It is where people dont care
anymore about religion or any metaphysical matter. It is said that as man come of age, he realizes
that his life is his own hands. A modern man doesnt need a Redeemer to save him but a
pragmatic solution to his problems.
In this world full of pandemonium where people either defend their way of showing faith
while others do not even care about faith, people forget the other aspects of life and of the world.
They forgot that, in this modern time, human race is not the center of the universe anymore; they
may not be even the highest form of being. People are self-centered nowadays. They dont care
about anything that dont concern them as an individual.
Indeed, we are children of nature. We are brothers and sisters. Our mother is nature. They
say do not take the Bible literally. So, we can apply our relationship to nature as children-mother.
And so as one of the Ten Commandments states: Honor your mother and your father. But what
are we, children of nature, to our Mother Earth? Technologies and innovations are good but how
about the deforestation, air pollution, irresponsible mining, contamination of bodies of water,
global warming, and so on? How can you make your mother proud if you and your siblings
fights over who is the cutest child? How can we conserve and protect our mother if us, her
children, fights over unworthy issues?
III. Project Significance
Conserving the natural environment for future generation, saving endangered species
across the world, bringing peace and order to humanity are not that easy to solve. And from
these, the religious factions has the great potential to contribute to the accomplishment of these
issues. Religion is a powerful sector in which its followers/believers can obey what it says. Only
if the Great Religions interact with each other, talk to each other, disregard their factions, and
solve the problems of the world. Obviously, it is not that easy. It can start in a small scale
situation thus will take a long time to realize this but the essence of it will surely worth waiting

IV. Project Objectives

To provide everyone, no matter what their religion is, a place to communicate to the
Higher Being and also to other people
To develop a sense of shared responsibility to a shared place where different type of
people own
To develop respect to people of different religion

V. Design Objectives
To create the sense of belongingness to nature and to the people
For the people to reconnect their faith and make it stronger
To remind people of how valuable our faith and how it influences our thoughts and
interaction to others
To develop a place where people of any religion can interact with each other without
getting judged by others
To create a harmonious place conducive to self-actualization, meditation, and

VI. Scope and Delimitation

The project only provides a design for the main worship hall. Auxiliary spaces
such as toilets, storage rooms, utility and maintenance area, and administration areas,
which are considerably detached from the main hall, are not provided for this conceptual
design. The proposal was unfortunately limited by time constraints.

VII. Design Framework

a. Project Title: KAPWA: An Ecumenical Place of Worship and Forest Park

b. Project Description
The proposed ecumenical place of worship will serve as a common place for
different religion or affiliations. It is a place where everyone is welcome. It is a place for
interaction with the people and communication with the Higher Being.
c. Design Philosophy
In this modern world, architecture exists to provide a horizontal interaction with
the human kind and a vertical communication with the Higher Being. Its goal is to create
a mutual living in our only world so we can preserve it and pass on to the next
Going back to ancient architecture, it is an important thing that the civilization to
build a sacred place for their gods. Structures especially built for their gods are the most
important, most prominent, and most cared of all the structures. It is the center of their
living. Greek built Parthenon for their goddess of wisdom, Athena, after their victory
against Persia. Romans built the Pantheon and St. Peters Basilica. French declined their
classic, monumental style of sacred architecture and built their churches in a vertical and
towering manner that symbolizes their imminence to God. Hindus built rock-cut temple,
Buddhists built stupas out of mud. Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese built wooden temples
and pagodas. All these prominent sacred structures are dedicated to their respective gods.
Architecture from the past also build secular structures like Agora of the Greek
and Plaza of Romans but they are only intended for social interaction and market place.
So the proposed ecumenical place of worship intends to combine all the religions in one
place as well as creating a social interaction among different kind of people.
d. Design Concept
Architecture is a discipline that has gone broad enough to care for almost
everything in this world. The proposed ecumenical place of worship and forest park serve
as the place to fill our psychological need for protection and security by the Higher
Being, as well as to feel the sense of unity in diversity among people in general.

VIII. Design Translation

The structural system of the building is inspired by the form of the people embracing
each other in a circular manner. This represents that the strongest and most important
factor for a structure/organization is the understanding of the people who build it and the
love of those who need it.
The structure is also formed in a triangular profile to imitate the pre-historic dwelling.
This aim to remind the people that we all share the same history, the same ancestors, the
same culture before we evolve them.
A circular plan of the place signifies the continuity, equality, unity, and ceaseless hope for
a better world.
An open plan and semi-transparent roof system symbolizes the openness and acceptance
of the people to those who are around them no matter what religion, race, gender, or
social class they belong. Aside from this symbolism, open planning for an ecumenical
church is architecturally considerable for its flexibility and accommodation for various
type of floor layout.
Being a Green Architecture element, green roof or living roof, that will eventually cover
the glass roof, is provided to remind us that whatever we build, create, and invent, we
should consider the environmental effects of it. After all, nature is powerful; we cant
even control it actions.

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