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Valley Forge

The victory at Saratoga, the cold was a very big part of

the war; soldiers were getting frostbite and diseases. It
was a long cold winter of 1777-1778.After the word got
out that the soldiers were suffering, they sent help. The
arrival of desperately needed supplies was soon followed
by warmer weather. The drills of baron von steubon

The Lexington concord

It took place in Massachusetts, new paper called out to
the people in the town to prevent a massacre. Their was a
lot of volunteer people, they are called minutemen. They
prepared to fight. In 1775 the British commander sent
scouts to places near Boston. There was a roomer that
the minute men had a store of arms in concord, very
close to Boston. In the middle of the dark 700 British
troops left quietly.
African American face hard choices
By 1776 half a million African Americans lived in a colony.
The British offered some of the male slaves to serve the
king. Around 5,000 African Americans from all the
colonies, except south Carolina , served in the army. From
there on the African Americans were aloud to join the
army. Some African Americans served in white
regiments. Nine African Americans were attacked three
times. Some of them left there masters mainly if they
lived by the coast. Eventually they all got freedom.

Why the Americans won

Geography played an important part of the American
victory, the British had to send supplies and equipment to
the war. The Americans already knew the landscaping of
wear they were fighting. The French money helped pay
for the supplies, without the French soldiers or warships
the Americans wouldnt of won.
The articles of confederation
The continental congress had a plan for the nation. All the
states approved it. A few Americans clamed that they
were American citizens. They also felt loyal to there
states. They approved the first continental congress in
1777, the articles of confederation.

Proclamation of 1763
It convinced the British to stop the British subjects
settling on the western frontier. There drew and
imaginary line along the Appalachian mountains and they
were not allowed to settle west over that line, But most of
them were already west of the line. to enforce it they sent
10,000 troops to there colonies.

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