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Lesson Plans for Grades _____4/5_____ Health and Character Count Themes of Week

Date ___________ Day ____1____ Time __________ Modifications _____________________________

Concept: Jump Rope
Objective: Students will be able to-
Use locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills while participating
Use different strategies to solve given problems/challenges
Participate in class
Work towards their own physical fitness by participating in lesson
Work effectively with a partner or a group
Understand the importance of physical education

Safety Consideration:
Be aware of your surroundings
Use equipment properly and only when instructed to
Listen and follow starting and stopping cues

Materials: Jump Rope

Warm Up: Free form of jumping with jump rope

Basic Jump- emphasize small jumps and small wrists turns
o Twirl jump rope forward and backwards
o Single Jump
o Double Jump
o Bell (back & forward)
o Skier (side to side)
o Straddle (feet together & apart)
o Double

Before moving on to the next, must be able to do the basic jump. Some may take
longer than others to learn.

Review of the days main points and any cues used. Preview of what we learn in the
future on the unit.
Date ___________ Day ____2____ Time __________ Modifications _____________________________
Concept: Jump Rope
Objective: Students will be able to-
Use locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills while participating
Use different strategies to solve given problems/challenges
Participate in class
Work towards their own physical fitness by participating in lesson
Work effectively with a partner or a group
Understand the importance of physical education

Safety Consideration:
Be aware of your surroundings
Use equipment properly and only when instructed to
Listen and follow starting and stopping cues

Materials: Jump Rope

Warm Up: Free form of jumping with jump rope

Review from previous class
o Twirl jump rope forward and backwards
o Single Jump
o Double Jump
o Bell (back & forward)
o Skier (side to side)
o Straddle (feet together & apart)
o Double
Two in one rope
o Face to Face
One turns rope, both jump with either single or double bounce
(Communication on start)
Two in two ropes
o Practice jumping side by side keeping pace with the other
o Inside arm holds the others rope handle
o Communicate go, and jump in unison

Review of the days main points and any cues used. Preview of what we learn in the
future on the unit.
What did they learn today? Outcomes - Emerging, Maturing, Applying

National Standards: The physical literate individual

1. demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and patterns

2. applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to

movement and performance

3. demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-

enhancing level of physical activity and fitness

4. exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others

5. recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression and/or social interaction

Health and Character Count

Next Class Ideas:

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