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There are four basic pillars on which rests artificial intelligence:

Search required in all states produced by the possible actions state.

Genetic algorithms (analogous to the process of evolution of the DNA


Artificial neural networks (analogous to physical functioning of the brain of

animals and humans).

Reasoning by formal logic analogous to human abstract thought.

Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig classified artificial intelligence:

Systems that think like humans.- These try to emulate human thinking
systems; for example artificial neural networks.

Systems that act as humans.- They try to act like human systems; ie, they are
mimicking human behavior; for instance robotics.

Systems thinking racionalmente.- That is, logically (ideally) imitate or

emulate try to rational logical thinking human being; for example expert

Systems that act rationally (ideally) .- try to emulate rational human

behavior; for example intelligent agents.

Conventional artificial intelligence

It is based on the formal and statistical analysis of human behavior to different


Case-Based Reasoning: Help make decisions while certain specific problems

are resolved and apart from that are very important, require a proper

Expert systems: infer a solution through prior knowledge of the context in

which it applies and deals with certain rules or relationships.

Bayesian Networks: Proposes solutions using probabilistic inference.

behavior-based Artificial Intelligence: This intelligence can contains autonomy

and self-regulated and controlled to improve.

Smart Process Management: Facilitates complex decision making, proposing a

solution to a problem you would like a specialist in such activity.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence [edit]

Computational Linguistics

Data Mining (Data Mining)



Virtual worlds

Natural language processing (Natural Language Processing)



Systems decision support

Video games

Computer Prototypes

Analysis of dynamic systems.

Smart Process Management

Simulation crowds

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