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Bianca Falcon

LEI 4724

The Hat Game

Source: Homan, C. (2004, April 18). The Hat Game . Retrieved from

Size: 6-12 participants

Equipment: A box of different color and shapes of hats. For further creation, you may provide
other type of clothing or accessories such as glasses, ties, a wig, etc.

Objective: To allow participants to create a fictional character while maintaining cognitive

stimulation and improve social interaction.


The Facilitator will direct the instructors to the participants and allow for them to choose
who will participate first.
The first participant will close their eyes and choose from the selection of props, once
selected they must begin the story and create a character for themselves.
The following participants will all pick from the box and must add onto the story with
their character they create.
Every participant does this in turn in, allowing for creativity to flow for the story line.
The facilitator may add on comments to the story when appropriate for humor and photos
can be taken and shown later to the participants to help them with recall of the activity.

Leadership Considerations:

For individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it is imperative the facilitator allows
for appropriate settings and characters for the storyline.
The facilitator could provide a general baseline for the story and/or be the narrator while
still allowing the participants to provide their creativity and remaining in characters.
For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, social and attention interaction may be
limited, some leadership considerations may be allowing a certain amount of time
allotted to create the story to avoid disengagement. Another consideration may be to
conduct the group in groups of six or smaller to avoid overstimulation and progressively
conduct the activity in larger groups based on success of activity.

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