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IOWA “S007 ‘J8UGLIS 20, maN “371509 ssU/N ays “anaUUEDT‘sIIeM inventions (Walls), he was always running from something: his mother. Just like any normal man in his situation, he felt the need to run from his past. He covered up years of abuse with bravado, a trait inherited by his children. They saw the way he did things as normal. Toward the end of the memoir, Jeannette tells us about the perils of going off to college Being the first in her family to do so, it did not seem like a normal thing to do. In fact, she did not see the point in going! She had a good job and was content with her living standard, but it ‘was her boss who changed her mind. He told her that even though she enjoyed her job there and she had a better job than many people with a college degree, she had the potential to do even better. To her, having the job that she had was normal. Maybe even better than normal! We are the products of our environments. From the day we are born, we are shaped into the form of our parents. Most people will deny that they are becoming their parents tooth and nail, but very few people actually do anything about it. Jeannette, instead of fighting the accusations, fought the process. She became mature for her age, became the voice of reason for her family. Something that seemed abnormal. Jeannette became the exception to the rule. She ‘became the master of her fate. Th ty no qunalye On eeprre yes ne Ryasen v8 John Harmon College English P. 1 pees REY Normal Children grow to reflect the environment that they were raised in. If someone is born into an abusive household, then they may become an abuser themselves. If they are born into an introverted household, they will cut themselves off from the outside world. It is the way of nature. Our surroundings dictate what is normal to us. Every child is the product of their surroundings, so some kids are doomed from the start. Society dictates what is and is not normal, but only on the large scale. When it comes down to it, the family is all that determines what is true. The product of the environment, but some kids can break that rule,Ji Cin The Glass Caste, Jeannette Walls (The author, narrator, and main characte) starts the story off by talking about how she was embarrassed when she saw her mother dumpster diving in New York. She dove to hide in her taxi, but she hated herself for it. With good reason, too. She was ashamed of her family, but she had a good reason for that as well. Her parents were directly responsible for her catching on fire, but she never blamed them for it. While she was in the hospital, her father told her that she did not need to be in the hospital. At the end of their visit, the dad caused a commotion and told Jeannette that they were going to check out “Rex Walls- Dohtask . Style” (Walls). Does that sound like a.normal-persomcaring for his daughter?read er ©. $ Sun Tzu wrote that you are to appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak, While Jeannette’s family was pretty abnormal, this was one rule that they did follow. Rex, for example, covered for his lack of knowledge by speaking with confidence and rarely taking no for an answer. While he could reportedly fix just about anything and had a few potential

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