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Kristina Laue

Parkour 8

In this class, my most fulfilling person achievements have been the times when Ive been

able to overcome mental roadblocks, when I can tell myself I can do this, and then do.

Sometimes, stationary, just looking at an obstacle, I dont know if Ill be able to make it over, but

if, as Im running, I can remain confident, I will.

In rolls, when we rolled over the concrete wall, at first I wasnt even certain I could make

it over using the bench as an extra step. However, after a few run-ups and stops, I did it. I

havent yet made it without the bench, but I know if I can find the same confidence I would be

able to.

In the speed and reverse vaults, when I told myself to go for it, I made it over the wall,

injury free. I want to further develop this ability to just do it, and get rid of some of this

unnecessary fear. Obviously, some fear is necessary but I think its also true that if I truly believe

I wont injure myself in a move, my body will move in such a way that it is, indeed, not hurt. It

has so far every time Ive gone for it. I can only assume it will continue to do so.

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