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Statements, Questions, Reporting Verbs

Task 1: Read the sentences below and select the best answer A, B, C or D to fill in the gap.

1. Jason asked his friend ___________ he ___________ borrow his car on Saturday.

A) who / can B) if/ could C) if/ did D) whether/ can

2. Stephanie told her brother ______________ taking her things.

A) to stop B) not to stop C) if he can stop D) whether they could stop

3. Patricia suggested _______________ to the cinema in the evening.

A) to go B) that they must C) going D) if they could
4. Gillian said that she ________________ her grandmother during the upcoming weekend.
A) should never visit B) has visited C) visited D) would visit
5. Samuel offered his classmates _______________ homework to upset the teacher.
A) doing B) not to do C) to do D) if they could
6. Elizabeth asked Joanne ______________ the library __________.
A) whether/ was B) when/ open C) where/ is D) where/ was
7. Jasper told his parents ___________ he ____________ his future wife two months before.
A) that/ met B) - / would meet C) that/ had met D) if/ was meeting
8. Daniel begged the burglar _______________ his favorite painting.
A) not to take B) to take C) taking D) that he has taken
9. Mark said that ______________ creepy crawlies.
A) he hates B) if he hated C) who hated D) he hated
10. Jerry wanted to know ___________ the book ___________
A) if / cost B) how much/ cost C) how much/ is D) is/ expensive

Task 2: Imagine you are a surveillance officer who is listening to a conversation of two suspects. Having
recorded the conversation, briefly report what the suspects said to your senior officer. You may use the
box below to write the report. The first sentence is your example.

Bad Billy: Hey, Dave, where is the body?

Dangerous Dave: I left it in the basement. I also dropped the gun into the river.
Bad Billy: Ok. Lets go tell the big boss.
Dangerous Dave: Maybe the boss can wait. We should hide the money first.
Bad Billy: Right. When will we talk to the boss?
Dangerous Dave: We can see him at 5 pm at the bar. Now give me the money.
Bad Billy: Here you go. Will I get my share?
Dangerous Dave: Sure thing. Go down to the basement and get it. Its in the black bag near the body.
Bad Billy: Im going. Dont lock the door.
Dangerous Dave: No worries buddy. Ill be waiting outside.

(Footsteps going down the stairs. Sound of the key in the lock. End of connection)

You may use the box below to write the report.

Surveillance Report
By Officer James Higgins
Example: Suspect 1 (aka Bad Billy) asked Suspect 2 (aka Dangerous Dave) where the victims body was.

Note: aka = also known as

Worksheet prepared by Tatiana Akyurek

1. B if/ could 6. D where/ was
2. A to stop 7. C that / had met
3. C going 8. A not to take
4. D would visit 9. D he hated
5. B not to do 10. B how much/ cost

TASK 2 (possible answers)

Answers may vary due to the use of different reporting verbs or phrases.

DD Dangerous Dave
BB- Bad Billy

1. DD answered that he had left the body in the basement and he had dropped the gun into the
2. BB suggested telling the big boss.
3. DD said the big boss could wait. He suggested hiding the money first.
4. BB asked DD when they would talk to the boss.
5. DD answered they could see him at 5 pm. He told BB to give him the money.
6. BB asked DD if he could get his share.
7. DD told him to go to the basement and get it. He said the money was in the black bag.
8. BB asked DD not to lock the door.
9. DD said he would be waiting outside.

Answer Key prepared by Tatiana Akyurek

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