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In Indonesia, corruption is happened in many fields, such as economy, health,

sport, politics, government, education, etc. Our lives seems cant be separated
from corruption where most people actually has ever done corruption
intentionally. Some people think that only a politician can do money corruption,
but actually everyone can do it as long as there is an opportunities. As we know
corruption itself means the misuse of public office for private gain. It means that
corruption may include anything like time, money, etc. As long as they misuse it
to satisfy themselves, we can say they do corruption.

It is very sad to know that corruption has rooted in Indonesia. Okay, lets take an
example, a politician or an educated people, who do corruption because of their
proffesion give the most opportunities. We can say they, who has done
corruption, are egoist and greedy because they are more concerned about
themselves than the public. They should know what they have done may affect
everything in this country. First, the development of our country is decreasing
like in the project development infrastructure that cant be done, and the poor
people cant be overcomed. Second, always the poor people who suffered,
because there is a gap between the rich and the poor. The rich can do anything
with his money. Third, worsened moral, it can be proven where law can be

Well, yeah, i know its very hard to destroy corruption in this country because it
has rooted. But we must try and pasrticipate to decrease it. I think we have to
prevent an opportunity so that corruption wont happen. We also have to have a
mindset to not do corruption, also we can encourage our country to create firm
laws. Start from ourselves to not doing corruption and prevent the younger
generation from bad mentality and corruption.

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