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Public Relation Exam

Section A:
1) Explain the hospitality communication Mix and how it is different from other
Industry ?(What is IMC)

Hospitality Communication Mix: It consists on in order to be able to reach the company target
market for sales and awareness of the brand or events. It needs different type of methodology to
transmit the message depending for the best way to transmit the message. The component to
transmit the message is:

Advertising :
Public Relation
Personal Selling :
Merchandising :

Component are only one element of the Hospitality mix as without the communication vehicles
which are the media such as newspaper, internet , TV, Radio , social media as well as the
message with theme, illustration. It wont be able to create a mass awareness as well as being
able to attract the people via the proper design for that specific target market.

In order to make an impact with our company in the hospitality business , Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) is essential for the hospitality business and be able to reach quicker and
faster their goal and the target market by type of component (advertising, PR, Publicity, Personal
Selling , Merchandising and Promotion). It consists on the application of
consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and
using different methods to reinforce each other. IMC recognizes the value of
a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines
such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion . In order to combines
them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact. Furthermore,
its planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or
prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over
time. IMC is essential in company as its forcing organizations to look at the whole marketing
picture, re-aligning their communications and seeing things the way the consumer sees them as
a constant flow of information from indistinguishable sources. Those who practice IMC are

avoiding duplicate messages, capitalizing on the synergy among promotional tools, creating
more effective marketing programs.

Difference with other industry:

Its different from other industry as Public Relation, Advertising and Marketing are in a singular
department to be able to combine the three roles via IMC to make sure the message come across
accordingly to plan and it in link with their message and vision statement .

However, some of hospital brand dont have crisis management team which need to outsource it
in case to make sure there is plan set up for any type of event. Hospitality need to make sure their
crisis management team is an expert in their field. It could be beneficial if their team is from
crisis management ,but not specify on hospitality crisis management only . So when time come
to implement plan for crisis it more on the perspective of customer rather than the organization
even though the outcome is to make sure the organization create benefit outcome and to save the
image of the organization

2) State the five major key decisions in Advertising and explain one of them?

The five major keys are setting the objectives, budgets decision, Message decision, Media
Decision and Campaign evaluation

Objectives Setting:
The first step on a campaign is to set the objective based on information about the target market,
positioning and marketing mix which is a specific communication task to be accomplished with a
specific target audience during a specific period of time. In addition its a group of goals set by
a business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers that should be
achieved within a given time frame. A company's marketing objectives for a particular product
might include increasing product awareness among targeted
consumers, providing information about product features, and reducing consumer resistance
to buying the product.

There is three type of advertising objective which are:

1. Informative advertising: is used to inform customer about a new product or feature of to

build primary demand
2. Persuasive advertising which is used to build selective demand for a brand by
persuading consumers that it offers the best quality for their money.
3. Reminder advertising, which is used to keep consumers thinking about a product. This
form of advertising is more important for mature products

3) Define Press Agentry? Explain how it applies to hospitality Industry?

Press Agentry Consist on planning activities or staging events, sometimes just stunts that will
attract attention to a person, institution or idea. This mean is almost pure propaganda. It is one-
way communication that is often more hype than fact. In this model, the truth is not a priority.
The press agentry model is used mostly to promote entertainment events like boxing. Press
agentry plays a major role in record companies, circuses, tourist attractions, motion pictures
studios, television, concert promotions, and the business enterprises headed by "media
personalities", Considerable press agentry goes into political campaigns and national political
party conventions to build name recognition and attract large audience. Press agents work to
attract public notice than to build public understanding. Publicity is the major strategy of press
agents. They base their approach on the "agenda-setting theory", which says that the amount of
mass media coverage subsequently determines the relative importance of topics and people on
the public agenda.

4) What are the three major differences between Public Relation , Marketing and


Public Relation: It consist on planning and executing communication and action

programs to earn public understanding , acceptance , and goodwill which involved 3 step

1. Evaluating public attitudes ,opinion and perceptions

2. Assessing the policies, programs and procedures of the hospitality providers in
light of those attitudes , opinions and perceptions reveals on step one
3. Develop communications that address the publics concern while delivering
positive image

Marketing: its the societal process by which individual and group obtain what they need
and want through creating, offering and exchanging product and value with others. It
create ,manage and enhance brands usually incorporating advertising and sometimes
PR which include promotion & sales planning, branding , media relation, product
development, sponsorship, digital marketing ,direct marketing, market research.

Advertising: Its a type of marketing communication which is a road term that refers to
all communication technique marketer use to reach their customers and deliver their
messages. Its a creative and fast-paced industry that used paid-for-spaces in various
media outlets to motivate people to buy products and services or change their attitudes.
Advertising involves developing and implementing the companys advertising strategy.
they often focus on :

1. Advertising strategy
2. Creative idea
3. Creative execution
4. Media planning and buying

Three major differences:

Media use:

For Public Relation, it consists on seeking to persuade the media gatekeeper to

carry story about their organization. Its a publicity that requires no direct media
cost. It involves getting free publicity for the company. From news conferences
to press releases, it focused on getting free media exposure for the company and
its products/services

For Advertising, it consists on buying advertising time and space, The Company
pays for ad space. You know exactly when that ad will air or be published.

Control :
For Public Relation, it consists on being at the mercy of the media gatekeeper.
There is no guarantee that all or event part of a story will appear. The story may
be rewritten by the editors. It depends on whether the editors and staff think its
newsworthy and itll attract people to watch or read that particle part. In addition,
you have no control over how the media presents your information, if they decide
to use your info at all. They're not obligated to cover your event or publish your
press release just because you sent something to them.

For Advertising, it consists on running exactly the client who paid for it has
approved and it runs as scheduled. When you paying for the space, you have to
creative control on what goes into that ad.

For Public Relation, it consist on Public tend to trust media more than the
advertisers. PR closes the marketing credibility gaps.
For Advertising, it consist on sometime its not true, overpromise in ads such as
with this protein shake you will for sure lose 20 pound in the next three weeks. In
addition, consumer is skeptical about it as it designs by the company itself which
make harder to trust than PR and the media.

5) Advantages and Disadvantages of Viral Marketing?

Definition :

Its Internet advertising or marketing that spreads exponentially whenever a new user is
added. Viral marketing assumes that as each new user starts using the service or product,
the advertising will go to everyone with whom that user interacts. In addition, its the
ease of use of the internet combine with other source of electronic communication such
as text messaging make these form of media of media ideal for viral marketing.


The main advantage of viral marketing is that an effective agent can reach a large
audience in a cost-effective way. We have also seen how consumers rate the
opinions of their peers, friends and family highly, so they can be highly
influential. There is an enormous potential value that can be generated through
customers referrals

This marketing strategy enables business propositions to reach out to global

audience by effectively putting the Internet connectivity to play. Extensive use of
Internet affiliate marketing, e-zines, and interactive forums enables the
entrepreneur to promote the business, globally.

The word-of-mouth concept ripples on to peer-to-peer recommendation of the

product or service. It also enables the business to generate revenue from local
interest in the venture.

It caters to larger audience through World Wide Web and emails. Viral marketing
practices which use internet as the communication media can be accessed by large
amount of people worldwide and it can be seen as an advantage over traditional
advertising media such as television.
It uses existing communication among friends and other associations to spread the

It is considered to be a cost effective advertising method when compared to

traditional advertising as well as being able to reach the target market fasters.

The main disadvantage is that its a high risk marketing communication
technique, since it required significant initial investment in the viral agent and
seeding. However is no guarantee that the campaign will go viral in which case
the investment will be wasted? of course , although positive marketing can spread
rapidly , so can negative opinion and feeling about a company

Section B:
1) A) State five elements of Advertising Media?

The five element of advertising Media are the press, television, magazine, internet and

B) Define one and explain why its important to hospitality?

Internet advertising also known as online advertising , it consist on s a form of marketing

and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to
consumers. As people are spending more time on internet, the benefit of internet is the
advertising will be based on previous sites you visited like in Facebook. For myself as I
visit a lot of golf sited they advertised for me golf teaching and golf shop.

Internet advertising is becoming more and more important. Especially young people
spend less time watching TV and more time on the Internet. The Internet has
the advantage of being available to people around the world at all times.
Ads range from banners to pop-ups. Companies that spend a lot of money on advertising
often create their own Internet site for a certain product. Web users are often asked to fill
out a form that asks them about their daily routines, where they live, how old they are,
how much they earn etc... Companies use this information to find out what kind of people
visit their websites. Sometimes ads are sent via email. Because a lot of unwanted emails
(spam) are sent throughout the world many people dont like this.

With the Internet, promoting a business can be done for a shoe-string budget. Aside from
cost-efficiency, one advantage of online advertising is that there many creative and
efficient ways to advertise online. The Internet is much more flexible tool than print or
even broadcast media. Aside from static ads, you can create active ads with sounds,
motions, etc. You can also have links and create interactive advertising features. There are
many creative ways to highlight your products online and they are often much more
affordable than creating advertising for TV

2) State and define three element of a campaign?

Educational : Telling people what you want them to do such as Forest Service
refrain from destroying forest

Engineering: enable people to accomplish what you are asking such as Forest
Service build Fire-Safe campsites and put up steel sign that were difficult to

Enforcement: Where the will of people gets restricted such as law was enacted to
protect forests, and people who failed to obey the laws became subject to fines. If
forest service determine that the danger of damage is too high, they can restrict

3) Define crisis management and why it plays a major role in Public Relation?


It consists on the identification of threats to an organization and its stakeholders, and the
methods used by the organization to deal with these threats. Due to the unpredictability of
global events, organizations must be able to cope with the potential for drastic changes to
the way they conduct business. Crisis management often requires decisions to be made
within a short time frame, and often after an event has already taken place. In order to
reduce uncertainty in the event of a crisis, organizations often create a crisis management

In addition Crisis challenge organization to live up to their reputations, and the way a
crisis is handled determined the outcome about the public opinion and the organization
reputation as not all the publicity is good contrary to belief as it can damage a brand
image and trust from customer via a simple crisis handle wrongly.

Major Role of Public Relation:

An important part of PR is crisis management, because not all publicity is good. This is
due as there are time when thing dont go accordingly to plan. It might be the
management fault or its beyond management control.
Crisis management is a series of ongoing, interrelated assessment of kinds of crises and
forces that can pose a major problem to a company, the first step in crisis management is
taking all precautions to prevent occurrence of negative events.

Company need to determine those crises that can occur, and develop plans in case they do
occur, such as hotels should have fire plans, and employee should know what to do in
case of a fire.

Appoint a spokesperson, and employee instructed to refer media to this person, it should
gather the facts and speak only from facts, which ensure the company is giving a
consistent story based on facts. Moreover, it should use effective way to speak to others,
such as the term no comment raises suspicion, otherwise, I do not know at this time
is a better response.

Crisis management is the nature of activities to respond to a major threat to a person,

group or organization. Crisis management is a relatively new field of management.
Typically, proactive crisis management activities include forecasting potential crises and
planning how to deal with them, for example, how to recover if your computer system
completely fails. Many people would refer to this, instead, as risk management and not
crisis management.

Hopefully, organizations have time and resources to complete a crisis management plan
before they experience a crisis. Crisis management in the face of a current, real crisis
includes identifying the real nature of a current crisis, intervening to minimize damage
and recovering from the crisis. Crisis management often includes strong focus on public
relations to recover any damage to public image and assure stakeholders that recovery is

In a major crisis, its a good idea to seek the help of a public relation firm. The company
should notify the press when a crisis does occur & keep them updated so its best they
find out from the company so it can have the company perspective. Every company
should have a crisis management plan & instruct employees in as part of their initial
training. Its no longer a question of if a major crisis will strike an organization, but only
Crisis management dos

Do have a crisis plan that includes natural disaster, security breaches, safety issues
and strike

Do update you plan often

Do have one spokesperson available at all times to discuss the crisis, usually the G.M

Do say when you are unable to answer a question and give a reason, such as: I do not
have that information yet

Do speak truthfully and authoritatively

Do increase security if necessary, make security highly visible to guests

Do initiate information updates or hold a press conference

Do create a positive follow-up campaign

Don not wait for a crisis to design a plan

Do not speak off the record to anyone

Do not wait for crisis to train employee

Do not release name of victims

Do not answer reporters by saying. no comment


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