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Hesse 1

Haley Hesse


Corrine Holke-Farnam

January 24, 2017

The Old Dying Man

WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD IS TRUE. I was in their final permanent home. Thirty-six

doors lined two separate hallways. Connecting the two hallways is the dining room.

Some people walked independently, while others are confined to wheelchairs and need

assistance to move. There are unfinished puzzles left on tables. Old black and white t.v.

shows are blaring from a few rooms. Theres a call light attached to my hip. It alerts me

when someone needs my assistance. Then, I get a call. A kind old man with pure white

hair. I go to him and ask what he needs. He turns his head looks at me, then turns and

talks to the corner of the room. There is no one in the corner. I now know this is another

delusional episode. The man then turns back to me. He asked if I saw the little kitten by

the window. There was no little kitten. I go along saying of course it is such a cute little

kitty. He smiles and agrees. I suggest leaving his room to find company in the dining

room. The old dying man looks at me and says Oh, no dear I have to get home to my

family. He begins to get out of his wheelchair. You stop him and tell him he cannot walk

and is home. Again, he says no he needs to get home to his family. I touched his

shoulder and softly tell him he is home one last time. His eyes fill to the brim and a

single tear slides down his wrinkled face.

Hesse 2

I was inspired by Van Goghs painting because it reminded of the people I see while

working in a nursing home. The painting makes me feel sad and sorry for the old man

which is similar to how I feel at work. Working as a CNA has taken a mental toll on me. I

have connected deeply with a few residents and watching them die is hard. This piece

of art is depressing, but I feel like my poem compliments it. I originally wrote this poem

before this assignment was assigned. I choose to keep the style and the words the

same because there is no other way for me to describe and express what I have been


Works Cited
Hesse 3

Nitin. "Sorrowing Old Man (At Eternity's Gate) by Vincent Van Gogh." ArtPaintingArtist.

N.p., 13 May 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.

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