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1/4 cup cornstarch

1/3 cup sugar

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

3 cups whole milk

4 ounces 72% cacao chocolate, melted in a double boiler or microwave

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


1. 1.

In a small saucepan whisk together cornstarch, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt until combined.
Whisk in milk until thoroughly combined.

2. 2.

Bring mixture to a light boil over medium heat while whisking constantly. Once
pudding has thickened to desired consistency (usually a couple more minutes)
remove from heat and pour immediately into a medium bowl. Quickly whisk in
chocolate and vanilla. Serve warm, if desired, or place a piece of waxed paper or
plastic wrap on top of the pudding to prevent pudding skin from forming and
refrigerate until you're ready to serve. Pudding will thicken further upon chilling.

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