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Dylan M.

Period 8
LA 8
26 October 2009

Out in the Country

During a pleasant Indian summer,

In the middle of October,

Beyond a bustling city,

Out in the country,

Near a nostalgic farm house,

Along a narrow dirt path,

Beside a glistening stream,

After a brief sprinkle,

Amid the peace and serenity,

Stand I, content with myself.

Dylan M. Shaffer
Period 8
LA 8
26 October 2009

Out in the Country

During a pleasant Indian summer,

In the middle of October,

Beyond a bustling city,

Out in the country,

Near a nostalgic farm house,

Along a narrow dirt path,

Beside the glistening stream,

After a brief sprinkle,

Amid the peace and serenity,

Stand I, content with myself.

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