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Question Booklet and Answer Key For Recruitment Test Held on 27.02.2015 (Evening) Post: TGT (Paper-I) English ‘D’ Series 15. AC. Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy was published in 1) 1904 2) 1906 3) 1905 4) 1908 Sartor Resarius is atext by 1 Ruskin 2) Amold 3) Carlyle 4) Burke ‘The name of Dr. Johnson's biographer is 1) Bosewell 2) Dryden 3) Bolingbroke 4) Sheridan ‘Such a Long Journey is writen by 1) Vikram Seth 2)Rohinon Mistry 3) Salman Rushdie 4) M.G. Vassanji ‘The essay ~ “The Death of the Author” is written by 1) Roland Barthes 2)Michel Foucault 3) Dersida 4) Gramsci Naryashastra is writen by 1) Kuntaka, 2) Anandavardhana 3) Bharatamuni 4) Abhinavagupta ‘Which of the following feminist cites did use the expression ~ "Gynocrtieism” forthe first time? 1) Blaine Showalter 2) Mary Ellmann 3) Simone de Beauvoir 4) Kate Millet IM, Coetzee’s Foe isa postmodern retelling oF 1) hanhoe 2).Bvelina 3) Robinson Crusoe 4) The Moonstone ‘The term “metaphysical poets” was fist used by 1)Dr. Johnson 2) Dryden 3)Helen Gardner 4) Ben Jonson ‘To whom does Chaucer refer when he says that "He knew the tavern well in every town? ? 1) Pardoner 2) Monk 3) Squire 4) Petar ‘The term ~ “American naissance” was firs used by : 1) F.0. Matthiessen 2) Richaid Chase 3) Leo Marx 4 RW.B. Lewis The Anxiety of influence : A Theory of Poetry is writen by 1)Maud Bodkin 2) Stephen Spender 3) Harold Bloom 4) Frank Kermode “Victorian Compromise” is an expression first used by 1)David Cecil 2) G.K. Chesterton 3) Vincent Buckley 4) Lytton Strachey Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brod 1) Jane Eyre 2) Villewe 3) Wuthering Heights 4) North and South, rewriting of the Victorian novel ‘The Time Machine is writen by 1) Bvelyn Waugh 2) Allan Sillitoc. -3)H.G, Well). 4) D.HL. Lawrence TANI 21.G-26240-D (nD Contd 16, 18, 19, 20, a. 2, 2, m4, 26. 26. 21, ‘Which of the following novels by Dickens does attack the New Poor Lav of 1834 in the ‘opening chapters? 41) Oliver'Twist 2) Great Expectations 3) Hard Times 4) Domibey and Son ‘Which ofthe following characters does appear in Waiting for Godor? Jey 2) Lucky 3) Jimmy Porter 4) Ham “Hamartia” means 1) Reversal of fortunes 2) Purgation of emotions 3)Depravity 4) Exror of judgement “Sprung rhythm” is associated with 1)GM. Hopkins | 2) William Blake 3) Philip Larkin 4) Ted Hughes “Jindiworwbak” movement relates to 1) Canadian literature 2) Australian literature 3) Caribbean literature 4) New Zealand literature ‘John Evelyn and Samuel Pepys were famous waiters of: 1) diaries 2) editorials 3) letters A)essays Vanity Fair is witten by 1) Henry Fielding 2) WM. Thackeray 3) Trollope 4) Goorge Eliot Swift's Tale ofa Tub isa satire on 1) Science and philosophy 2) Artand morality 3) Dogma and superstiti 4) Fake morals and manners The Mystery plays deal with 1) The lifeof Christ. 2) The New World 3) Psalms 4) Apocrypha ‘Riders fo the Sea is a play writen by I)WB. Yeats 2)G.B. Shi 3)}M,Synge 4) Christopher Frye “The Affective Fallacy” ~ the tem was coined by : 1) Allan Tate 2)LA. Richards, 3) Rene Wellek 4) W.K. Wimsatt and M.C. Beardsley In“Adonais”, Shelley mourns 1) the socio-political anarehy in Europe 2) the death of John Keats 3) the widespread corruption in contemporary polities 4) the condition ofthe working-class in England 12M .6-26249.D cea) Cont 28, 2, 30. 31 2, 33, 34, 35. 36, 37. 38 ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin is, primarily, an example of 1) sunealist uniting 2) symbolit writing 3) anti-slavery writing 4) impressionistic wating Nobel Prize for literature for2014 was given to 1) Margaret Atwood 2) Ben Oki 3)Harold Pinter 4) Patick Modiano ‘Which of the following text is associated with the “Angry Young Men” movement in England? 1) Room ax the Top 2) Mrs. Dalloway 3) Heart of Darkness. 4) Sons and Lovers Evelina is writen by 1) Fanny Bumey 2) Charlotte Bronte 3) Jane Austen 4) ToSir, With Love is concemed with E.R, Braithwaite’ experiences as ly Bronte 1) a aderin the busy strcts of Paris 2) a black man protesting agains racism in Jamaica 3)a black teacher in London 4) a black teacher in Sydney Which of the following is said to be the founder of the school of thought called ~ “Uilitarianisey”? 1) Jeremy Bentham 2) James Mill 3). Mill 4) Marx The Celtic Twiligh, a book of short-stores was written by James Joyce 2) W.B. Yeats 3)PLB. Shelley 4) Helene Cixous ‘The subtitle of Matthew Ammold’s Culture and Anarchy is 1) An Essay in Poitieal and Social Criticism 2) A study of contemporary Polities and Economy 3) A critique of Culture and Society 4) An Essay in Cultural Criticism ‘Which ofthe following erties did intoduce the term ~ “dialogism”? 1)MH. Abrams 2) Derrida 3)Mikhail Bakhtin 4) Todorov ‘Which ofthe following isnot influenced by expressionism’? 1) WB. Yeus 2) Fugene O'Neill §) slmer ice 4) Scan O'Casey ‘Alexander Pope's Essay on Criticism (1711) is 1) a collection of prose — essays describing the principles of neo-Classical literary writing 2) a compendium of neo-Classical poetic theory heroic couplets 3) an essay on the condition of European literature 4) an essay on the Greek and Roman theories of literature ‘TIN ZLG-26249-D_ AS ‘Cond 39, 40. 41 2. cs 44, 45, 46. 4. 48 49, 50, 51 82, “Plat” and “Round” characters were proposed by ; I)EM.Forster 2) Bemard Shaw 3)Hemy James 4) DH. Lawrence “The term ~ “Pathetic Fallacy” was invented by 1) Raymond Williams 2)1.A.Richards 3)Rene Wellek 4) John Ruskin *Sceplee and Crown/Must tumble down” —is an example of 1) Metonymy. 2) Meiosis 3)Dead Metaphor 4) Simile In Coleridge’s Christabel, Geraldine is 1)a widow 2)an enchantress_$)anich lady 4) apoor woman, (Of teroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History's written by 1) John Ruskin 2) Gibbon 3) Thomas Carlyle 4) Thomas Arnold Which of th following did write the first Indian novel in English? 1)Dean Mahomet 2) Raja Rammohan Roy 3) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee 4) RN. Tagore Which of the following writers did write about “Sthalapurana” inthe “Foreword” of her/his novel ? 1) Raja Rao 2)MR.Anand 3) Anita Des 4) RK. Naryanan ‘The Faure Poerry — was writen by = 1) Nissim Ezekiel 2). Parthasarathy 3) “Ballad” has traditionally been considered wurobindo 4), Lal 1) a folkloric verse narative 2)a classical verse narrative 3) musical poem 4) pattotic verse narative Aurora Leigh is. 1) ahistorical novel 2) a mythical narrative 3) anovelin-verse 4) play with seven women characters _Aureng-Zebe, a heroic play was written by 1)John Dryden 2) Alexander Pope 3) Sheridan 4) Bemard Shaw Beatrice and Renedick ~ the two characters figure in Shakespeare's 1) Much Ado Abow Nothing 2) The Comedy of Errors 3). Midsummer Night's Dream 4) Twelfth Night ‘Which ofthe following is nota part of The Wesker Trilogy? 1) Chicken Soup with Barley 2)Roots 3)’ Talking About Jerusalem 4) Caritas ‘A Vindication ofthe Rights of Man was written by 1) 1.8. Mall 2) James Mill 3) Benthem 4) Mary Wollstonceral PAIN ZLG-26249-D 469) Contd 53. Wives and Daughters was an unfinished novel written by 1) Charlotte Bronte _2) Elizabeth Gaskell 3) Jane Austen 4) George Eliot SA. The Long Revoluionis witten by DCS. Pieree 2) Raymond Williams 3)R.Hoggart 4) TS, Eliot 55. The section ol) refers "What the Thunder Said” of the poem The Waste Land (by wo t 1) The Ramayana 2) The Gita 3) Brikadaranyaka Upanishad 4) Isha Upanishadd 56. Which of the following does not belong to the Bloomsbury Group 2 1) Leonard Woolf 2) Virginia Woolf 3) LM. Keynes. 4) DH. Lawrence. 57, Dickens’ famous novel Bleak House is about 1) corruption in education system 2) cotruption in legal system 3) corruption in the political parties 4) corruption rampant in aristocratic families 58. Who, of the following, is eredited with the statement ~ “Milton was of the Devil’s party ‘without knowing it 1) William Blake 2)David Cecil - 3) P.B,Shelley 4) Byron 59, ‘The distinetion between primary imagination, secondary imagination and fancy occurs in Biographia Literaria in chapter XI 2) XII xiv 4) XVI 60, James Joyee’s novel ~A Portrait ofthe Artistas a Young Man isa prominent example of 1) Bildungsroman 2) Autobiographical novel 3) Historical novel 4) Expressionistc novel 61. July's People a novel written by Nadine Gordimer is about : 1) the conservation of ecology in South Arica 2) the altered power-elations in post-apartheid South Afica 3) the elass-conflct in contemporary Nigeria 4) the situation of women in Afican Society 62, Who among the following is nota formalist ritie? 1) Stanley Fish 2) William Empson 3) Cleanth Brooks 4) Allen Tate 63. Barabas isthe main character in Martowe's play 1) Doctor Faustus. 2) award 3) The.Jew of Malta. 4) Tamburtaine, the G4 Nectar in a Sieve is writen by = 1) Kamala Markandaya 2) Anita Desai 3) Shashi Deshpande. 4) Nayantara Sagal TIMI 7.6-26249-D «my Conta 65. Who among the following is not associated withthe translation ofthe Bible? 1) William Tyndale 2) Thomas Browne 3) John Wyeliffe 4) Miles Coverdale 66, Jean Rhy's Wide Sargasso Seais set in 1) The Caribbean 2) The Congo region 3) The Niger Delia. 4) The African 67, Which ofthe following is not about & dystopia? 1) RM. Ballantyne’s The Coral Island 2) George Orwell's Nineteen Bighyy Four savannah 3) William Golding's Lord ofthe Flies 4) Aldous Huxley's Brave New World 68. Which ofthe following poems does contain the phrase — “sill, sad muste of humanity"? 1) Ode: Imimations of tmmortaity 2) Michael: Pastoral Poem 3) The Solitary Reaper 4) Tintern Abbey 69. “To Daffodils” is a poem written by : 1) William Wordsworth 2) Robert Herrick 3) John Keats APB, Shelley 70. One of the most famous direc addresses tothe readers ~ “Reader, | martied him” occurs in 1) Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre 2) Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones 3) George Eliot's Middlemarch 4) Dickens's Hard Times 71. Charles Darwin's Origin ofthe Species was published in 1) 1879 2) 1845 3) 1865 4) 1859 72. The motto - “only connect” is taken from 1) EM Forster's Howards End 2) Joseph Conrad's Nostromo 3) Rudyard Kipling’s Kim 4) HG, Wells's The History of Mr, Polly 73. Which famous Romantic pocm does begin with the line - “hall to thee Blithe spit / Bid thou never wert?” 1) "Ode to a Nightingale” 2)**To the Cuckoo” 3)*ToaSkylak” — 4)"Toa Daisy” 74, The title of Wiliam Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury is taken from a play by 1) Christopher Marlowe 2) William Shakespeare 3) Ben Jonson 4) John Webster 75. Who, among the following, is not a Restoration playwright? 1) William Congreve 2) William Wycherley 3) Ben Jonson 4) George Euherape 76. Molly Bloom is a character in James Joyce's 1)A Portrait ofthe Artistas a Young Man 2) Dubliners 3) Ubysses 4) Exiles 71. TS, Bliot uses the term - “objective correlative” in his essay 1) “Hamlet” 2) “The Metaphysical Poets” 3) “Tradition and Individual Talent” 4) “Dante”, 12/11 216-2624.) (ea Contd w n, 80, at 2. 8 84 85, 86, 87 88, 89, 90. o1 92, 3 Belinda’slapdog, in Pope's The Rape ofthe Lock is named 1) Luck 2) Shock 3) Pluck 4) Muck ‘Which ofthe following novels by V.S. Naipaul is set in Aftiea and cartes echoes of Joseph Conrad? 1) The Mystic Masseur 2)A House for Mr, Biswas 3)A Bend in the River 4) The Minie Men “There is nothing outside the text” ~is a key statement emanating from : 1) Deconstruction 2)New Historcism 3) Structuralism 4) Feminism Which, atthe allowing novels, ino! writen hy Margaret Atwood? 1) Siafacing 2) The Stone Angel 3) The Handmaid's Tale 4) The Blind Assossin ‘The term —“cultural materialism’ is associated with 1) Stephen Greenblatt 2) Matthew Amold 3) Raymond Williams 4) Richard Hoggart Dr, Samuel Johnson's Dictionary ofthe English Language was published inthe year 11755 21710 217s 4)1730 Kipling’s “The White Man's Burden’ is addressed to 1) The Belgian colonial expansion inthe Congo 2) The American imperial mission inthe Philippines 3) The British imperial presence in Nigeria 4) The British colonial entry into India “Imagined community” is a concept propounded by 1) Aijez Ahmed 2) Benedict Andetson 3) Homi Bhabha 4) Partha Chatterjee ‘The author of Gender Trouble is : 1) Blaine Showalter 2) Helene Cixous 3) Michele Barrett 4) Judith Butler “Magic Reality” is closely associated with 1) Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2)Kingsley Amis 3) Anita Desai 4) Rohinton Mistry ‘The term —“The Movement” was coined by D)Philip Larkin 2) J.D. Seott '3)DJ.Enright 4) John Wain Iyelidas is writen by 1)John Milton 2) PB. Shelley 3) Byron 4) John Keats First English person to introduce a printing press in England was : 1) William Boyd 2) William Caxton 3) Lord Aron 4) Richard Johnson “Riponese ie all” i Hine from 1) King Lear 2) Hamlet 3) Othello 4) Macbeth ULR, Ananthamurthy’s Samskara was translated by : 1) Bhyrappa 2)Gitish Katnad 3) A.K, Ramanujan 4) HS. Shivaprakash “The mind-forged manactes” is a phrase from })"APoison Tree” 2) “Eternity” 3)"1 Asked a Thiet™ 4)“London” “lmagism’” is associated with TE,Hulme 2) 7.8. Eliot 3)DIL. Lawrence 4) EE. Cummings TIN ZLG-26249-D Om Contd 95, 96, 91, 98, 99, ‘The Confessions of an English Opium Bater is wtten by 1) William Hezlit. 2)S:7. Coleridge 3) Landor 4) De Quincey The term - “stream of consciousness” is derived from the writing of 1) William James 2) Mary Sinclair’ 3) William Butler 4) Gertrude Stein ‘The phrase ~ “dissociation of sensibility” was first used by 1)Philip Sidney 2)Mauthew Arnold 3) T'S. Eliot 4) John Dryden John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress was waitten when he was 1) in prison 2)on pilgrimage 3) ina church 4) ona social mission A Dance ofthe Forests is written by 1) WoleSoyinks 2)CChinua Achebe 3) Angus Wilson 4) Nadine Gordimer Bosola is a character in play by : 1) BenJoason 2) Webster 3) Marlowe 4) Shakespeare 2M ZLG-26249-0 (10) Contd. Key for TCT, Paper-I: English 27.2.2015(B ening) T-2/11 ‘Ans. QNo. 76 7 8 sr 8 aS a7 88 91 3B 95 96 7 38 9 100 ‘Ans. ies ‘D” QNo. 5 2 3 54 35 56 37 38 0 a a a 6 6 o Gy o 70 7 R B m 6 ‘Ans. QNo. 27 8 29 30 3 2 3 4 35 36 37 38 0 0 a 2 6 a 6 a7 @ ‘Ans. QNo. 10 1 2 B 4 5 16 7 is 9 21 2B 25

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