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Like you I too did feel a little apprehensive in the beginning, but the way it has been

structured and the simplification of the assignments and expectations, made it really very simple

and easy to comprehend. In fact, I really liked the idea of working on one successful and one

failed company. I realized the one which is successful isnt entirely a perfect vision and the one

that failed has many important lessons to teach and thus cannot be a total failure. I hope you had

a fair time balancing life and work and best wishes for your two little angles.

Good luck for the final paper and the class. Best wishes for life.


You are right, even I was not aware of the POLC framework, and after understanding the

concepts learned how important the simple tool is for assessing management policies.

Communication is a very effective tool as well in case of management. In fact it

is something vital that makes every process meaningful and convenient. Good to hear

you implementing your experiences from the Army here in the class and at the end of the day

every profession is about discpiline and managment without principles and discipline is

no management at all.

Good luck with the paper and the course. Best wishes for life.

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