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Ask Rajan how it feels to lead a huge group of the most hardworking people and

he will tell you: I dont even realise I am the one leading them. Ye kab hua? I am
just another member of this family as much as everyone else with the added
responsibility of planning and co-ordination.

Brought up in an all male environment in Bathinda where his sole interest was
playing cricket with his squad, nobody could have ever imagined that he would
become the polite and charming Sugar Daddy towards whom girls are attracted
in the same way bees are attracted to dahlia stalks.

I had no agenda in my mind when I came to college. All I had was a small group
of friends and I was ridiculously shy to try out anything new. Then one of those
days, Sudhanshu dragged me to the workshops of the Dramatics Club (to which I
agreed to go only because I love working out) and before I could realise, Drams
became an indispensible of part of my life. Like every first yearite, I was pretty
bummed by the idea of committing a major chunk of my daily routine to just
another club of college. I couldnt go out with my friends. I had to cancel all
other plans... all other occupations to focus upon this one thing in which I
stumbled into almost accidentally. It was amazing; you know... the amount of
commitment and unabashed sacrifice these people could do for this one little
club. And then the inevitable happened and I became one of them.

His eyes light up like a chid as he continues to speak breathlessly about the
Unshakable Eleven who happen to be his team in Drams... about what they took
from the club and what they want to give back to it...and how Chitrahaar, 2015
was a turning point of his life, so much that he burst into tears when the event
turned out to be a success.

Are you always this passionate about everything you do? I ask in sheer

No, its just for a few things I absolutely love. For example: I could shoot you in
cold blood if you say one word against Virat Kohli... or against Drams... or against
Arun sir! he grins.

His friends testify whatever he has said. Besides ranting about how Rajan is
absolutely impressionable and how he forms rigid opinions about people he has
just met, they add:

Rajan is such a mess! Iska room toh Dharamshala hai... koi bhi ajaaye, kuch bhi
le jaaye he wouldnt even realise and he doesnt even care! One fine day, he
realises that most of his stuff is missing and then begins the process of endless
and interest-less borrowing. He is like the Bermuda Triangle, you know. You lend
your things to him and you will never see them again.

Talking to Raa Raa (as he is fondly called), you come to know that how easy it is
to unwittingly sacrifice for something you are in love with... also that it is
absolutely normal to help people without expecting anything out of it. And most
importantly, you realise that the easiest thing in life is bow your head and work
hard towards your goals.

We hope that he keeps inspiring people, wherever he goes and wish him all the
best for all his future endeavours.

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