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Ana Katrina A.

Siron Miss Rizalina

BSED III Social Studies

The movie, 3 idiots is about the type of the educational system that the
Imperial College of Engineering (ICE) implements, the pressure that withstands with it
and what are the struggles that a student experiences throughout his education. It also
shows how significant it is pursue the career does your heart really desires because
every day will be a living hell if you go against your hearts and minds will.

The storys main characters are Dr. Viru Sahastrabuddhe or Virus, the
director of ICE and a very competitive man and cannot afford to be beaten by anyone in
any field and he is also a strict and authoritative father; Raju Rastogi, a man that dreams
to lift his whole family out of poverty and he is a man that always believes in charms and
rituals; Farhan Quereshi, he is good at wildlife photography but later enrolled in ICE to
obey his parents dream of having an engineer son and; Phunsukh Wangdu, he used the
name Ranchoddas Chanchad to be able to study, he is an optimistic and extraordinary
man that challenged Virus desire for perfection, he is a man that has great passion for
learning, grabs every opportunity that comes, will go against the wrong policies (even
attempted to change the system of teaching in ICE and once said that This is college,
not a pressure cooker) and he will fight and pursue what his born to be. The story
started when Rancho, Farhan and Raju entered the ICE. As they go on in their college life,
there were thousands of hardships on classes and exams, and unfortunately, Farhan and
Raju are always ranks on the bottom of the list and Rancho, he always tops the exams
even though most of the times he was sent out of the class but he always finds a way to
attend another class because learning for him is not determined by age and books. He
also believed that grades are just numbers and what is important is the learning that will
be applied by the students like the inventions and innovative ideas. Rancho is also a
good friend because he never lets his friends down; he always challenged them to be
what they want to be. He convinced Raju that his future will not be determined by
charms or rituals but by him only. He also convinced Farhan to be a Wildlife
Photographer, even if it means going against the will of his parents, Farhan has told his
parents that the salary as a photographer is smaller but it will make him very happy and
so, his parents agreed to the will of their son. Later on, Virus acknowledged Ranchos
excellence when he helped Virus daughter to deliver the baby safely that is why Virus
even passed the Astronaut Pen (as a Symbol of Excellence) to Rancho. Apparently, Raju
and Farhan became successful and happy in their chosen careers but Rancho suddenly
disappeared after the graduation but his 2 friends looked for him and lastly, they found
him in an island with his own school, own company, as a teacher and as a great and
successful scientist.

This movie has opened my mind to be a better teacher in the future and if I
happened to face a student like Rancho, I will greatly accept him. I will teach him the
things that he needs to know and will make ways to improve his ideas and skills.
Performance based Assessment is best used for this kind of students because if you give
him a task and he performed and made it successfully, therefore, as a teacher you can
say that he learned. On the other hand, if I happened to have students like Raju and
Farhan, I will never let them to consistently fail because as a teacher, our primary role is
to touch the lives of our students. I will encourage them to study well and I will even to
remedial classes if necessary because as what Rancho said Teachers should never
abandon their weak students. I highly appreciate this movie because it shows the reality
that is happening in the educational system; this is applicable in the Philippine Context,
because some schools only aim for the good background and rankings and forgot the
real essence of learning. I would like to take this quote of Rancho, Aim for excellence
and success will chase you, I will tell this to my future students to make them
enlightened about the importance of excellence and learning.

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