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Recce - location

The locations we plan to shoot are all around and inside of Franklin College -
Address: Franklin College, Chelmsford Avenue, Grimsby, DN34 5BY
Tel: 01472 875 000
Fax: 01472 875 019

Travel details: Getting to this location will be easy (as we attend and have access to college
bus transportation)

The pros of filming in college are that the target audience of students can relate to the
location of the college because this is the type of environment that most students work in.
Therefore this advert allows them to be able to listen to spotify whilst being at college to
motivate them to get their work completed. Also, the college is free to film in so then we are
able to pay more for the equipment giving it more of a professional finish.
The cons of filming at Franklin College is that we will be filming throughout a normal day at
college, so there could be lots of interference. This is because we will be filming in the library
or canteen, which are usually quite busy, so people may get in the way of the shot. This is
quite inconvenient, and will take us longer to edit the shots.

Proposed filming dates: (After half term, in January)

Weather report: TBC

Props and costumes: For the location we are filming in we will require various props. Such as
a phone & headphones while the character walks from outside and then into college as well
as walking from the library and whilst sat in the Buzz. And a chair, laptop and headphones in

the library
The first location we will film will be outside of Franklin College, as people are walking
towards the college listening to music. The second location will be shot at the entrance of the
college, where people will walk in listening to music. The next location will be in the covered
courtyard, where a different actor will be listening to music while walking towards the library.
The actor will walk up to a computer and log into Spotify online. The next shot will be them
leaving and walking towards the canteen to meet friends, and they will then open the Spotify
app again.

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