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2nd Power of

Justin Baur
What is This Power

My enumerated power is to borrow money on

the credit of the United States
What Does This Power Mean?
This means only Congress can raise the debt ceiling. The president has
no control over it. The President can no more authorize additional
borrowing than he can impose new taxes, regulate commerce or exercise
any other power granted only to Congress.
Last Time This Power Was Used
The No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013 suspended the debt
ceiling from February 4, 2013 until May 19, 2013. On May 19,
the debt ceiling was formally raised to approximately $16.699
trillion to accommodate the borrowing done during the
suspension period.
Is Congress Abusing the Power?
This is more of an opinion based answer, but I feel like Congress is
abusing it. Through the years, the debt ceiling has been raised multiple
times and not once been lowered, giving the government the chance to
increase or debt, but never forcing them to lower it.

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