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Signs and Symptoms

1) About 4 days after being infected, there is a sudden onset of high fever
2) A flat red rash appears 2 to 5 days later which may cover the entire
body except the face.
(picture : red spot)
3) Patients suffer headaches with severe pain behind the eyes.
4) Another common symptom is joint and muscle ache which is why
dengue is also called breakbone fever.
5) Other symptoms are swollen lymph nodes ,nausea and vomiting .
6) The symptoms last a week or more but the patient suffers fatigue for
weeks afterwards.
7) The signs and symptoms of DHF initially are similar to that of dengue
fever but soon progresses to a more critical phase. Other frequently
reported symptoms are :
a) Abdominal pain
b) petechiae- small red spots that do not disappear when the
skin is pressed. This is caused by broken capillaries.
c) Fluid accumulation in the chest and abdominal cavity
d) Severe bleeding from the gastro-intestinal tract, bleeding in the
nose or gums
e) Black stools (faeces)
f) Decreased blood supply to vital organs
8) If not treated promptly, DHF has a high mortality rate, especially in
children less than 10 years of age.


There are no specific antibiotics for dengue fever. Patients have to be closely
monitored and given the following supportive treatments:

Bed rest
Fluids (either oral or intravenous) to prevent dehydration
Acetaminophen or paracetamol for high fever
Frequent sponging down of the body will help to bring the body
temperature down .

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