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Nutrition is the process that provides the needed nutrients
to the body for performing different activities of life. The
major nutrients are three organic substances : proteins,
carbohydrates and fats.

Mode of Nutrition

There are two types of mode of nutrition. They are:

1. Autotrophic
It is the mode of nutrition in which the organisms
manufacture their own food by photosynthesis using
inorganic raw materials like carbon dioxide and water in
the presence of light and chlorophyll. It is also called
holophytic nutrition. The organisms are called autotrophs
or producers.E.g. all green plants.

2. Heterotrohic
It is the mode of nutrition in which organisms cannot
manufacture their own food and depend on others for their
food. It is also called holozoic nutrition since the organisms
feed on solid food. The organisms are called heterotrophs
or consumers. E.g. all animals and the non-green plants.
-Types of heterotrophs:
a) The animals who feed on plants directly are called
herbivores. E.g. Deer, Cow, Goat, Rabbit.
b) The animals who eat the flesh of other animals by killing
them are called carnivores. E.g. Lion, Tiger, snakes.
c) The animals who feed on both plants and animals are
called omnivores. E.g. Man, Bear, Crow.
d) Heterotrophs that obtain food by decomposing dead
plant and animal matter are called saprophytes or
decomposers and this mode of heterotrophic nutrition is
called saprophytic nutrition. E.g.most fungi,
bacteria,protozoans and certain plants.
e) Heterotrophs that feed on the flesh of dead animals are
called scavengers. E.g. Vultures.
f) The organisms that draw food from other living
organisms called hosts by living on or inside their bodies
are called parasites and this mode of nutrition is called
parasitic nutrition. E.g. Malarial parasite, several fungi.

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