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Non-Smoker vs Smokey Lungs

Smoking severely damages your health and contributes to
thousands of deaths every year. Cigarettes contain lots of
harmful chemicals and these cause damage to the lungs
and the heart. See the table below for a list of the main
toxic chemicals.

Smoking and Disease

Smoking increases the risk of developing of other
diseases. These range from fatal diseases to others that
may not be fatal, but can cause years of suffering and
unpleasant symptoms. Below are some of the main
diseases associated with smoking.
Passive smoking
Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker but can also
have a detrimental effect on those around them. Inhaling
other peoples' cigarette smoke is called passive smoking.
Passive smoking affects people of all ages. It has been
linked with the following health problems in:

Children and babies:

More prone to asthma
More prone to ear, nose and chest infections
Suffer from wheezing and chronic coughs
Have an increased risk of dying from cot death
Are more likely than average to become smokers
themselves when older
Are at an increased risk of developing cancer as adults

Have an increased risk of lung cancer
Have an increased risk of heart disease
Can make asthma worse
Causes irritation to the eyes, nose and throat

Smoking and pregnancy:

Smoking is also extremely harmful during pregnancy and
can lead to:
Bleeding during pregnancy
Premature birth
Low birth weight (Premature and low birth weight babies
are more prone to illness and infections.)
Congenital defects in the baby
Stillbirth or death within the first week of life

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