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Running Different tomcat instances

It is quite straightforward to configure multiple, concurrently running

6 instances on the same physical machine. This can be done by specifying differe
directories for each Tomcat instance
Files read during startup of tomcat :: server.xml ,contex.xml ,web.xml
security model of tomcat is activated during start up of tomcat using --secirit
y option in command line

Shutdown port : 8005 (shutdown cannot be done remotely

services can be one or more

Engine This is the request-processing component in Tomcat: Catalina. Exactly 1

form of a loadable module (that is, mod_jk or mod_proxy in Apache 2.2) containin
g a redirector plug-in. to redirect to tomcat

For operational efficiency, the protocol between the Web server and the Tomcat i
nstance(s) is not HTTP.
It is a specially designed protocol called AJP

Only one instance of the Server can be created inside a given Java Virtual Machi
ne (JVM).
Multiple Connectors may be set up
for a single Engine or Engine-level component, but they must have unique port nu

The default Connector is Coyote, which implements HTTP 1.1; Tomcat also comes wi
th an AJP connector.
Valves are components that enable Tomcat to intercept a request and preprocess i
t. They are similar to the

Default Servlet is declared globally in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml. By default

here is it's declaration:
by default directory listing is true so if welcome file is not present director
y will be listed

default class loaders in tomcat 1) Bootstrap(JVM class files and class in a

va extn location) 2)system (class files present in classpath) 3)common
The locations for Context Descriptors are:

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