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Area Between

By Lu, Andrew, Phoua, Kenny, &
RElevance in Everyday Life
More examples
- Area represent a quantity Designing bridges, roads,
- Graph acceleration, then area = buildings
speed. cars, trucks, sub, aircraft
Ex: If a rocket is being accelerated by carriers
the force from the rocket engine, you .
can apply that force to the mass of
the rocket, and that would gives you
the acceleration (a=F/m). Then you
can determine the resulting speed.
Our process is easy

Step 3:
Step 2: Fundamental
Step 1: Set up your Theorem of
integral Integrate

Find the area between the c

urve y = x+3
and the curve y = 3-x and
the x-axis.

Step 1: Set up your Integral
To set up your integral:
Determine if you are using vertical or
horizontal slices
in this case vertical
A= (top curve-bottom curve)dx
Because half of this graph is on the negative
side if we will work with one side and then
multiply it by 2
3 (3-x) dx
Step 2: Integrate
3(3-x) = (3-x)1/2
Let u = 3 - x dx
du = -1 dx
(-1)(u3/2)/3/2 = (-1)2(u)3/2/3
Plug in back u= -2(3-x)3/2/3
Step 3: Fundamental Theorem o
f Calculus
-2(3-x)3/2/3 3
Substitute 3 and simplify.
-2(3-3)3/2/3 = 6.33

Remember to multiply by 2! ---> 6.33(2) = 12.66

Word problem
Rocket A launches at the curve y=
(3-x), and Rocket B launches at curve y=
(x+3) and collide at point ( 0 , 1.7 )
Calculate the area between the two

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