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Philosophy of Nursing

NURS 300- Introduction to Theories and Concepts I

NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to rediscover his or her personal
philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program.

Student Approach to Assignment

Choices and behavior are driven from an underlying set of morals, values, and beliefs that
each person holds. These morals, values, and beliefs help identify our personal philosophy,
which ultimately guides our behaviors. By taking the time to assess my personal philosophy of
nursing, I was able to determine the beliefs, values, and theories I use to guide my professional
practice. By looking inward on what influences my personal practice of nursing, I will better be
able to identify with and understand the health beliefs and values of my patients. By identifying
the professional growth that has occurred since sophomore year of college, I have gained new
insight and appreciation into my new breadth of nursing understanding. I aim to carry these
principles evaluated in this paper into my professional nursing carrier.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

This required portfolio assignment has assisted in determining major principles and standards of
nursing practice that will be carried into our individual professional practice. By examining these
values, core competences outlined by the nursing great eights are illustrated. The following
objectives are identified:

Critical Thinking
Uses nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional practice.
Example: In the following paper I identified and discussed three nursing theories that
relate to the assumptions of the relationship between the nurse and healthcare
professionals, the nurse and the community, and the nurse and the client in a
culturally diverse setting. Madeline Leiningers theory of transcultural nursing was
used to discuss the relationship between the nurse and the client. Her theory states It
states that nurses should continuously work to further understand the health beliefs
and values of differing cultures, which will enable us to provide culturally specific
care. Salmon Whites theory for public health nursing was used to describe my
assumptions of the relationship between the nurse and the community. The theory
describes public health as an effort to protect, promote, and restore the health of
people. Finally, Patricia Benners novice to expert nursing theory was used to discuss
the relationship between the nurse and the healthcare team. As nurses move through
the stages from novice all the way to expert they develop new skill sets that aid in
patient care.

Articulates the values of the profession and the role of the nurse as member of the
interdisciplinary health care team.
Example: In the following paper the values of principles guiding my professional
nursing practice are discussed and evaluated. Standards of nursing practice are
discussed as supportive data for my personal philosophy of nursing. Assumptions for
the relationship between the nurse and the interdisciplinary health care team are
discussed in detail with specific clinical examples used from critical care and
rehabilitation. My definition of nursing is discussed in detail.

Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical situations
that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for patient well-being
and preferences.
Example: In the following paper, I identified two ethical principles of nursing that
guide my practice: Nonmaleficence and benevolence. Specific examples of how these
ethical principles are carried out in clinical settings are discussed. A specific example
would include following the specific scope of student guideline outlines for that
particular clinical rotation such as not giving IV push medications. Further, ANA
standards of nursing practice and code of ethics principles are discussed throughout
the paper as supportive evidence for my personal values and beliefs that guide my
nursing practice.

Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions.
Example: In the following paper, my assumptions regarding the relationship between
the nurse and client in a culturally diverse setting is analyzed. The therapeutic
relationship, which includes determining a clients cultural values and health care
beliefs, is discussed. The importance of the nurse to become skilled in identifying and
respecting the cultural needs of the client is identified. The ANA Code of Ethics
provision one is used as supportive evidence. Further, Madeleine Leiningers theory
of transcultural nursing is identified and examined.

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