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Cesar Ian A.

Baluran February 20, 2017

BSECE 4-1 Engr. Sangalang

Case Study: Motorbus Company Que Sera Sera

As the newly appointed manager he has to plan and determine the best strategies and
tactics to achieve his departments current goals for which in this case, making the operation
effective and efficient with 100 buses in need of servicing and maintenance.
Directing his team under his department will be the first step before making a decision.
Personnel under his department should be aware of the problem theyre facing.
First, they should look for past events and problems faced by the former manager and
decisions that have been made to solve those problems and how it affected the operations of the
department. This evaluation will help him to come up for a better decision and planning.
In 1989, they only had 10 buses, with 2 mechanics and 2 assistant mechanics. This was
the time when everything was normal until 1993, wherein 40 buses were added. As a result, the
department was forced to have 5 mechanics together with 5 assistant mechanics for servicing of
a total of 50 buses. Delay on the delivery for the needed parts and the supply of parts was turned
out to be the problem.
After analyzing the past events and the current problem, Engr. Ancheta must create a list
of inadequate supplies and excessive supplies after checking the storage room. And determine
the resources to acquire those supplies. These quantities should match the number of buses they
are currently servicing.
Now, if the company will be servicing 100 buses after a month, the number of mechanics,
supply of parts, and the method of purchasing those parts will be changed too.
At the start, 10 buses were maintained by 2 mechanics and 2 assistant mechanics. Thats
5 buses for a mechanic together with his assistant to maintain. That time, there is no problem
with the number of mechanics, supply of parts and method of purchasing.
Several years later the company has procured 50 buses for 5 mechanics and 5 assistant
mechanics to maintain. Equivalent to 10 buses to be serviced by a mechanic and his assistant
mechanic. This time, the number of mechanics causes no problem but the method of purchasing
supplies and the availability of supplies do.
In order to accommodate 100 buses, Engr. Ancheta might request for additional 5
mechanics and 5 assistant mechanics, a total of 10 mechanics and 10 assistant mechanics
servicing 100 buses. This should fulfill the need for number of mechanics necessary to maintain
that number of buses. After this, he should assign personnel under his department for gathering
list of the needed parts of every mechanic. This list will be forwarded to him which will he also
sends to the company for approval. This will make the work faster.

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