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“The Albatross” #2.dlose up ‘Ava standing on the sea front facing towards the sea ‘The camera moves slightly closer ‘towards Ava- she has her back to the ‘camera and i facing the sea 5 Wide shot {#6 Worr’s eye view “Torn up paper covered in ink and ‘The camera moves even closer Birds ciring overheard blood stains Wing inthe towards Ava with her stil standing ssand/crumpled inthe water ‘wth her backto the camera, facing the Hand with fingers dripping blood, (On Ava with her back to the camera backed by the ocean sill then black wipe transition as ‘Ava suddeniy sitting up in bed, scared ‘asf waking froma nightmare someone walks past, #10 Close up. #11 Locked down tracking shot #12 Over the shoulder a ‘Ava looking out the car window, with Camera.on dash of car, focus on sign Towards end ofthe line, cut to Morgan non-dlegetic voiceover of Morgan to The Bring Gap speaking from the drivers seat saying “It can be intimidating. being cut of society for so long just to be ‘town backin the deep end” #13 Close up “#14 Wide shot #15 Close up Morgan’ eyes in rear view mirror Morgan and Ava getting out the car ‘Ava looking towards the cliffs saying “vim not sure where to start #6 TWo-shot #17 Close up, Eyeline match “#18 Establishing shot Morgan handing Ava the journal ‘On the Journal as Morgan “How about | Ofthe clifs ‘with somthing familiar

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