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Nadia Amenia Bell

2. July 8th 1998
3. The UCs ill be applying to are UCI, UC Riverside, UC Merced and UCLA I understand
that their is a very unliking chance of me getting accepted to a UC because my GPA isnt
up to a UC standard but as-long as I believe in my capability and as long as I take this
chance and apply, even if i dont get accepted it wont hurt me but if i dont try ill be
disappointed in myself for not stepping out of a boundary that Ive created. The CSUs
that ill be applying for are Cal State La, Cal State Long Beach, CSUN and Cal State
Dominguez Hills. All the colleges listed above have the business major which im
interested in studying. As for privates Ill be applying to Paul Smith College the reason I
chose Paul Smith College is because they offer two majors that I really want to take part
of which is Hospitality and Baking/Pastry Arts.
4. Some ideas of majors i have in mine are: Hospitality, Business, Baking/Pastry Arts.
5. I want to own my own bakery when i was younger i alway thought about things i wanted
to be and it always changed i was never certain. It wasnt until the 8th grade when i truly
realized that i wanted to bake for a living.
6. Hard working because Im not good a lot of academic things so i have to work it get
things done. Positive i alway have a good outlook on things and when things are going
bad I still think things can turn around. Outgoing i like to try new things and i'm not shy to
do them. Honest when others ask me something maybe about there looks i won't say
they look good when the look bad. Silly im a person that can joke around when i
7. Im unique because Im me, Ive been through things that others havent.
8. I dont have an answer for this question.
9. I envision a world where people can come together all at once without causing casos
10. My physiology on life is
11. My hobbies are watching korean dramas, listening to music, sleeping,and learning
different languages.
12. Educare-Event planner/Organizer
13. 3.4
14. No Regrets
15. 760
16. As long as Im happy with the things in my life and how its going that success to me.

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