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Calcium & Vitamin D Why is Calcium & Vitamin D Important? Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body. It is needed for proper muscle, nerve, and bone structure and function. Food sources of calcium include milk, yogurt, and cheese. Many other foods are fortified with calcium. Vitamin D is important for bone structure and it increases calcium absorption. A big source of vitamin D is sunlight as well as fatty fish, egg yolks, and other fortified foods. i Recommended Intakes CALCIUM VITAMIN D Infants 0-6 months 200mg 0-70 years 600 1U 7-12 months 260mg —->70 years 800 IU Children Pregnant or Lactating Women 600 IU 1-3 years 700 mg 4-8 years 1,000 mg 9-18 years 1/300 mg Adults 19-50 years 1,000 mg 51-70 years males 1,000 mg 51-70 years females 1'200 mg 70+ years 1/200 mg Pregnant or Lactating Women 14-18 years 1,300 mg 19-50 years 1,000 mg || Food Sources ( qT Milk, cheese, Dark green vegetables Many foods such as yogurt, and other like cabbage, kale, and cereal and orange dairy foods provide broccoli contain juice are fortified with calcium and vitamin calcium. Salmon is a calcium and vitamin D. Din the diet. good source of calcium and vitamin D. LJ Food Values Food Calcium (mg) Daily Value (%) ‘Sardines, canned in ol, wth bones, 3 02. 32 ‘Cheddar cheese, 1 1/2'02, shredded... 3 Mili, nonfat, 8 thd oz... c 30 Yogurt, plain, ow fat, 8 = 30 Milk, reduced fat (2% milk fat, no solids, & fi 30 Milk, whole (3.25% mik fet), 8 fluid oz.. 29 Mic buttermilk @ fluid oz, 29 Milk, lactose reduced, 8 fluid oz, 23°30 (contnt varies sight accor ccoviags eneese, remit 9 cups unpacked 28 Mozzarelia, part skim, 1 1/202. 28 ‘Totu, fim, with calcium, 1/2 cu 20 range juice, calcium fortieg, 6 uid Gz 20-26 ‘Salmon, pink, canned, solids with bone, 3 oz 18 Pudding, chocolate, instant, made with 2% milk, 1/8 cup, 15 Tofu, soft, with calcium, 1/2 cup.. 4 Breast sink erange favor, pour prepared wth wale, 8 id oz. 13, Frozen yogurt, vanilla, soft serve, 12 cup. 103 10 Ready teat cereal, calclum fortieg, up 4100-1000 10-100 Tun groans, bed, 1204p... 99 10 kale, ram, 1 cup. 90 8 Kale cooked, 1 cu. 94 3 Ice cream, vaniia, 1/2 cup. 85 5 Soy beverage ceicium oid, 8 id 180-500 250 Shines cabbage, a, 1 cup. 74 7 Torla, com, ready to bake 42 4 ‘omila, four, ready to bakery, one 6 cai a7 4 ur sroam reduced Tat, cure, 2 bop 32 3 Bread, whilo, 102... 3 3 Broceoll, raw, 1/2 cup, 2 2 Bread, whole wheat, 1 20 2 ‘Cheese, cream, regular, 1 tbsp. rr 1 [] Example Eating Plan Food Calcium (mg) Vitamin D GU) Breakfast Orange juice (Ca & Vit D foritiec), 1/2 cup.. 300 150 Oatmeal, cooked, 1/2 cup... 94 0 Whole wheat toast, 1 sice x0 9 largarine, 1 ts erm T cup 305, 2 Lunch. Turkey Sandwich (Boz turkey on 2 slices whole wheat bread w/ tomato, lettuce, and mustard). 30 9 Raw carro, 20 0 9 0 305 2 ~Dinnor- Baked salmon, 3 oz... 30 447 Brown rice, 1/8 cup. 10 0 Steamed broccoli, 1cup.. 43 0 Green salad, 1/2 6 5 9 Ranch Dressing, 2 10 2 Whole wheat rol, 1 40 0 Margarine, 1 tsp. 0 0 ~Snack— Vanilla ice cream, 1 cup. 168 5 Fresh blueberries, 1/2 cup. 4 0 Sun exposure (fair-skinned, 10 minutes). ° 410,000 Totals: 1,403 10,608

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