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This directory contains the following : : python code that implements a simple Neural Network using Thean
o for classification task
-python_speech_features-master : directory that contains python code to extract
MFCC features from wav files. Wav recordings of vowel "a" and "e" spoken by
three people : Tauseef, Bas and Gabi were recorded. was used to ex
tract MFCC features into .txt files. These txt files were merged to create
different sets of training and test file such as following :
python_speech_features-master/train/combinedTestTrainExamples.txt : which conta
ins all MFCC values of all the vowels in test and train directories
python_speech_features-master/test/tauseefAllTestExamples.txt : which contains M
FCC values of vowels spoken by Tauseef in test directory
Usage of the classifier script and its output :
[tauseef vowelClassificationUsingTheano]$ python python_speech_fea
tures-master/train/combinedTestTrainExamples.txt python_speech_features-master/t
Epoch: 0, Training_cost: 1127.7725315, Training_accuracy: 0.6951040750513046
Epoch: 1, Training_cost: 1158.27610046, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 2, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 3, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 4, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 5, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 6, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 7, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 8, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Epoch: 9, Training_cost: 1158.2761103, Training_accuracy: 0.6547933157431838
Test_cost: 384.745387405, Test_accuracy: 0.4949698189134809

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