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Peer Evaluation for Arvin Christian De Vera by Elizabeth Ward

Arvin as a student shows confidence in skills such as communication,

critical thinking, and documentation. He communicates well with his client
and creates conversations with them. He also shows respect and
professionalism around his peers, and the healthcare team. Another skill that
Arvin shows confidence is his critical thinking skills. In one of his reflection
during post conference. He told us about his client who had a CBI and he
noticed that there was no flow in the tubing. He suspected blood clot
clogging the catheter but he confronted our clinical teacher first before
manually unclogging the tube. Lastly, he documents well when he creates
his progress notes. He makes sure that his online documentation is always

In the past few weeks of clinical I believe Arvin still lacks of skills in
some of his nursing skills such as Trachea care, suctioning, and even
administering parenteral medications. In week 8, Arvin and I did a Trachea
care and suctioning with a client. I noticed that he is still not confident with
both skills especially with suctioning. I believe that he needs improvement in
the area. Another area that I believe Arvin needs to improve on is
administering parenteral medication. When he shared during week 8 post
conference, he shared that it was his first time administering sub cut
medication in a client. I believe he can improve by practicing at home with a
doll or at school during open labs.

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