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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidacin

Stage 1: A summary of my day / Etapa 1: "Un resumen de mi da"

A. What to do? / Qu hacer?

Write a text summarizing one of your regular days and add images to support
the description. / Escriba un texto resumiendo un da cotidiano en su vida e
incluya imgenes que apoyen la descripcin.

B. How to do it? / Cmo hacerlo?

Example / Ejemplo:

Model images / Imgenes modelo

Morning Afternoon Evening

Fuente de imgenes: SENA

Model text / Texto modelo
On Monday, I usually get up at 6.00 am. I take a shower at 6.10 am. Then, I get dressed at 6.35 am. I
have breakfast at 6.45 am. and I brush my teeth at 6.55 am. I go to work at 7.05 am. At noon, I have
lunch at 12.30 pm. with my co-workers. Later, I go back to work at 2.00 pm. When I finish work, I go
home at 6.00 pm. I arrive there at 7.00 pm. I have dinner at 7.15 pm. Then, from 7.30 to 9.00 pm. I
watch TV. Finally, I brush my teeth at 9.15 pm. and I go to bed at 9.30 pm.
Now, based on the models given find your own images and write your
description: / Ahora, con base en los modelos dados encuentre sus propias
imgenes y escriba su descripcin:
OnMorning Afternoon Evening
Good morning. My names Yeimys Judith Diaz Herrera. I am a Administratora.
I wake up at four o'clock every morning.
I press the snooze button two times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up.
When I get up I like to open the window to let in the fresh air of the day.
At five past four I make the bed.
At fifteen past four I get dressed, and I combs my hair.
At twenty past four,I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast.
I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast.

I go to work in my motorcicle.
I get to work at seven o'clock.

When I am in the office you probably have a lot of papers.

When I work I have to make telephone calls.
Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe I have to report to my boss more often.
I usually write a document that my boss can read.

At one o'clock P.M. most days I have lunch.

I buy lunch at a restaurant near work.

At six o'clock, After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make
dinner. The family eat dinner together at seven thirty.

After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I chill out on the sofa and
watch television.
My house is near to the park. Sometimes at night I going to the park to play sports, I like to play
football with my friends.
If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and set the alarm so I
wake up in the morning.

Every day I take my favorite book: The Bible and read to learn more about God,this book I will
read it forever because I love it .
Then I pray and thank God for all the blessings he has given me on this day.

The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed, and then I lie down to sleep.
Stage 2: My last vacation / Etapa 2: "Mis ltimas vacaciones"
A. What to do? / Qu hacer?

Record a tape describing a photo of your last vacation. / Grabe un audio

describiendo una fotografa de sus ltimas vacaciones.

B. How to do it? / Cmo hacerlo?

Example / Ejemplo:
Model / Modelo

My last vacation

My name is Johnathan and this is my

family. In this picture we are at the
beach in Cartagena, where the weather
is always very warm and sunny.

The woman is my wife, Sarah. She is

wearing a white dress and sunglasses.
The boy is my son, Mike. He is wearing
yellow shorts and a white t-shirt. The
little girl is my daughter Natalie, she is
wearing a white dress, a hat and
sunglasses. Shes holding a floating
Fuente: SENA device.

Now, based on the model given find your own photo and write your description.
Then, Record a tape. / Ahora, con base en el modelo dado encuentre su propia
fotografa y escriba su descripcin. Luego, grabe un audio.
My last vacation/ Mis ultimas vacaciones
I will talk about my last vacation.
My name is Yeimys Diaz and this is my
In this picture we are at the beach in San
Andres, where the weather is always very
warm and sunny.

I am wearing a black shorts and a white t-

shirt, and a sunglasses.

The boy is my son, Emiliano.

He is wearing a brown shorts and a red t-

The little girl is my daughter Angie, she is

wearing a pink dress, and a long brown

This vacation needed them to forget the

problems and stress of daily routine.
It is a perfect beach day.

All my family are barefoot. We took off their

shoes in the beach because you feel the
sand on your feet and is very relaxing.

My last vacation / Mis ultimas vacaciones

To record the audio, please follow the next steps:

Search for the sound recorder in your computer.

Start the recording.
When you finish your recording, save the audio file in your computer.

Para grabar el audio, tenga en cuenta los siguientes pasos:

Busque la grabadora de sonidos en su computador.

Inicie la grabacin.
Al finalizar su grabacin, guarde el archivo de audio en su computador.

Stage 3: Submitting my evidence / Etapa 3: Envo de mi evidencia

How to upload my files? / Cmo subir mis archivos?

When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make sure the
files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please, make
sure you upload the two (2) recordings when submitting your evidence.

Una vez finalice la evidencia enve al instructor los archivos a travs de la

plataforma, as:

1. D clic en el ttulo de esta evidencia.

2. D clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque los archivos en su computador.
Asegrese de adjuntar los archivos.
3. Escriba algn comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. D clic en Enviar.

Importante: la plataforma solo le permitir hacer un envo de las evidencias. Por

favor asegrese de adjuntar los dos (2) archivos durante la entrega.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carcter individual. Recuerde revisar la gua de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cmo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluacin
Intercambia informacin personal y familiar con la estructura y vocabulario
requeridos en un contexto especfico.
Usa los pronombres y adjetivos posesivos con la estructura y el vocabulario
Utiliza los adverbios de frecuencia, con la estructura y el vocabulario
Utiliza sustantivos singulares y plurales con la estructura y el vocabulario
Describe su entorno respecto a lugar de residencia, estudio y/o trabajo
usando la estructura y vocabulario requeridos.
Usa los demostrativos con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.
Describe la existencia y ubicacin de algo singular y plural con la estructura
y el vocabulario requeridos.
Intercambia informacin usando el presente continuo con el vocabulario
requerido en un contexto especfico.
Describe el estado del tiempo con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.
Describe vestuarios con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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