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lets from beginners to functional discus towers when a very limited time is avalable. | use the concept of a “30 minute working model” that | inizoduced in previous editions fof Modem Athlete & Coach, the aim of whic is 0 teach & basic, safe, working model technique within thirty to forty minutes, Discus in 30 Minutes: ‘The folowing sequence of actives can be usd to teach abasic ‘Standing discus throw to beginners. | have used these teaching steps with class graups of upto thirty crn witha thirty ‘mute session, with smaller groups during coaching clinics, and aso at LitleAtleies Centres. have found the activities effective wit athletes aged 7 to 15 yoars and have used disci oF mode training eiscui as implements. NOTE: When teaching discus to large groups of up to thy inviduak, | set up and organise this session in avery simi way tothe shot out session described in th ate "Teach Kids ‘Shot Putin 20 manutes” (Mader Atte & Coc Vo. 47, No.4) Holding the discus Aim: ‘= Taleach the discus orip NOTE: When teaching a large aroun, | find it is best 4a desonne and demonstrate the discus grip while thay are all siting together in close proximty to the ‘demonstration Activity: Instruct ad demonstrat te following ‘The discus sits fat aaainst the paim of the throwing hand ‘The edo ofthe discus sits on the pads ofthe fst jin's of he firgers. ‘The thumb rests onthe back of the discus. ‘Hold he discus loosely ct thts, ‘can be useful tte young athietes io pretend thei fingers are ‘ke lite people. Tey are sy te people but they want to see ‘whats goin on so they stick ther heads jut above the edge of ‘he discus. The thumb is VERY sy soit hides behind the discus. WW odet 4 Aitblete and coéc plan that puting thelr thumb over the edge of the discus ‘may cause the discus to “stick” in their and and not fly propery, ‘The athletes then allempt to grip discus as they have been taught, Chock their grip and provide feedback, adjusting accordingly. ‘ Wate for atlets who hook their thumb over the edge ofthe cscus. ‘Water foratnoteswho cur te fingers too far over the edge ‘ofthe discs (beyond the frst ger ots), ané also those ‘whose ngers are not oer the de ofthe discus atl. ‘Once te athetes have the rip fundamentally cocect, allow them fee!"an effective grip. Instruct hem to hold the discus vith the corect grip and stand witht implement hanging by their side, ina vortical positon wit their palm facing towards their eg, Their gers should be under the discus and their (ip shouldbe loose. low them to get swing the discus in asmall arc backwards and forwards ("Tick tock ike a oock") ‘ell them that they shoud feel te discus push down, o fee heavy, against thelr fingers as swings past their leg. Discus release - Waterfalls Aim: “Ta teach the release ofthe cscs over the index finger Activity: Standing with feet parallel, tbe athletes hold the discus vertical in font of them, using the correct arp. Tipping their hand slightly forward, they let he lscus rll over the edge of their index finger and drop from ther hang “Tike water going cover the edge of a watoral. The discus should land on is ‘edgo justin ron ofthe athlotes’ feet. Pick up the discus and repeat at least fv times. ‘= Watoh for athletes who allow the discus to rollout of the back of tor hand or tumble the ciscus ove the top of their ‘ingers. The coach may need to physically move the discus ‘ver an athlete's index tiger fr them to fee and propery ‘comprehend the correct release acto. Diseus Release — Discus Golf ol 48, nol Ta fim: To practice and learn to contol te core discus release ‘Sot Up: Place a target, such as a hoop, at an appropriate distance (approx. Sm) on the ground infront of he athletes, Activity: Ina sl extension ofthe “waterfall, the athetes attemot tool the discus nto the oop to sore a "noe in one". Having target to aim for emphasizes a controled reease ‘= Ensure that he athletes continue to use the correct grip and rlaase the ciscus over the index nger. * Encourage the athletes to tke a step forward withthe ‘pasite oot other throwing hand prior o release ‘ Ensure thal the athletes release the discus close tothe ground to prevent the discus from bouncing ‘Wate for atletes who attempt fo roll the discus out of the back of their hand Repeat this activity several tes. ‘Skil extension: I¥ ime and space allow, the athletes can try to rol the disc for distance. This skill obviously requires a stronger release and good contol te discus sto cover any great distance Discus Release ~ Discus underarm toss to a target. aim “oprache and gan contdence projecting he iplementno thea ‘Set Up: fsbo act: “he athletes use an underarm os nan ater ans the sec na tat (0 8 oop one TU. Repeat 2-3 ties as often as me allows and wee hk technique as roque + Eure mat ne aes contre see crt an release the eu ore fe nde gor. The dots Shou sin aay fom be aie. +The aves sou atop ot the discus oat oi upright he aan tds on see. + Encuege he alts toate a sop over wth he geste oto he hetng hand rr tela Tet he atts that he acon is exactly the sane as ‘hates orate dows but noth arereeasrg te secs tae + ta x aletes who atemoto release te discus ot be bck oe hand Singing action - Scarecrow claps Aim: To teach the arm singing action and basic feet, leg and torso ‘movements fora standing discus throw. Activity: ‘This actty is dono without noting a cscs. Begin by asking the athletes to assume a “ready stance” fe a side on stance to the throwing direction), standing “Ike a scarecrow” (e. feet shoulder width apart, arms extended to the sides at ‘shoulder height) The non throwing arm is extended towards the throwing erection andthe thrawing arm i extended back, Leaving their non throwing aim extended to the front, the athletes swing ther throwing arm forward to bring thor hands. together in a wide, straight am clapping action, mimicking the basi cscus slinging action ‘ Engure that the on throwing am doesn't move and stays extended. * The athetas sould watch thoirhands come together 2s they cep. ‘Skil Extension: (a) Teach the athletes to swing thet hips, torso, shoulders and yes to the font to accomplish the cap by pivoting their ack foot to the font. eling the ates tat thelr back foot and bally button should point to the font as they clap '5 a good cue. Tho athletes can tur tothe side as they ‘wing thir extended throwing am back, and pvot to the front as they swing their and forward to clap. Ensure that the cap is achieved from a “tal” standing position (b) Combine the above with teaching @ weight shift fom the back foot to the front foot. Demonstato and toach the ‘movement of “rocking” back onto the back foot asthe arm is swung back and “rocking” forvard onto the front foot as the body and arm is swung forward to dap Allow the atvetes tory. ‘Stanging throw starting postion - Discus sandwiches Aims: = To teach an effectve starting positon for the standing throw. * To eam how the discus should be orientated during the pralminery swings andthe throwing acto. Activity Making a “discus sandwich” iver simple way to describe an ceftectve staring pasion fora young beginer discus thrower who is using a standing throw. The “cisus sendwich” describes the nandandscus poston prior tothe beginning of trethrowing action. Once aug, the coach can simply tel an athlete or group fo "Make a sandwich’ as they prepare to tow. Demonstrate the folowing then allow the athletes to ry: Hold the discus in a ght overhand grip (le the “wrong way”) for ‘his particular dil so that it wil not fal out ofthe hand or be released during the upcoming swings. While standing looking inthe direction ofthe thro, with the fet in the ready positon, the discus i etd up horizontally in font ofthe eyes (or near the mouth “ready to eat"). The throwing hand Is on top of the discus, the nan throwing hand undemeath the discus to provide suppor, thus making 2 “ciscus sandwich. White gripping the vlscus firmly the athletes can be taught 2 simple devery action by being told and shown how to “unmake the sandwich” by swinging the ciscus back, then swing thai arm forward again to “re make the sand » Enoourage the athletes to keep their throwing hands “on top ofthe discus”. The tit aio on the discus wil ge the atlets confidence to co tis. ‘itis common for young atistes to old thelr “sanduch” upside down inthe ready poston. ie Throwing hand undemeath, non throwing fand on top. We are all so accustomed fo holding and carrying objets with our hands underneath thet many youngsters wil fnd it dificult to comprehend that ther throwing hand should be on top. Dont be surprised if you have to regularly comect young athletes by instructing them to *fip" thet “sande” over, * Allow the athletes time to practice the above, swinging the discus backwards and forwards. Remind them of the need to pivot back and forth and shit telr weight backwats and forwards during the swings. Novice discus throwers, not being confident oftheir bility to ‘fp the discus without the aid of the battom supporting hand, tend to rotate the fop and during the forward or backward ‘tings so that the ciscus becomes vertical or even “upside ‘ui This, of pourse, wil nt cesutn He desired fight of release. Asa reminder to koo9 the “sandwich” horizontal, tel the throwers that they risk the ingredients of the sandnich ‘aling on the ground if they old the ciscus vertically. Bo ‘Standing throw - Launching spaceships Aim: ‘Tathieveabase standing aiscus throw vith a fat, contol, accurate diccus fight. ‘low the ahletesto attempt an easy standing throw, using the Correct asus grip learnt eae. nally, emphasise achieving flat, controled Fight ofthe olscus, withthe comect release of the discus ofthe index er, rather than distance The “spaceship” concept is @ fun way to describe the iesied fight ofa discus with which beginners so often have uiiouties. Tel the group thet the dscus is a“spaceship” “ling saucer” or “UFO”, Inside that spaceship ar lle “space people”, astronauts" or “alls”, Explain that If the spaceship (disus) fies fat, the space people wil have a nice, enjoyable, comfortable ride. Ask th group to imagine what is happening {ote poor space peopl inside the spaceshi if tis futering, ‘wobbling ofippingend-over-endin th athe result achieved by many beginners) After a fow laughs, the answers usually include that the space people wil fll out oftheir seats, ht their heads onthe roo, ec. Also tell the group thatthe space people much prefer a smooth landing (siding ft toa stop) rather than crash landing on the edge of ther space shi. ‘Asking young athetes to try to give their *space people” a smooth ide can set the athietes an enjoyable challenge and ive them abit ofa lauch as they imagine what fs nappening inside the “space ship" wien their throw doesn't quite result inthe ciscus fight intended! ‘+ Remind the athletes to begin wih the discus/Spaceship ina sandwich” poston, ‘+ Exlain that the Hand should be over the top of the discus and palm should be facing down as the discus is released, + Wath for those not confident with the grip and release which may rest in: = The athlete trying to release the discus with the hand underneath th implement = The athlete using a tight, claw-tke grip onthe discus vith the thumb over the edge ‘Watch for the athlos who roloaso the discus out ofthe back ofthe hang. t may help to teach the athletes that 4 discus should spn clockwise for aright hander an ant-clocknise for alethander Ital ese fis, the coach ‘may need to hold the discus in the athlete's and and slowly guide the hand and dscus through the correct index finger release, ‘Skill Extension: ‘Al a game and competitive element by placing around markers at Sm intervals (up to 20m) in font ofthe trewers: ‘Theathletes throw acisous to score points awarded for where the discus lan and how it fs 1 5m=0 points #5—10m= 1 point + 10 15m = 2 points °15=20m=3 points, » 20m plus = 4 points ‘Award a bonus point for a fat discus flight, regardess of ‘where the dscus lands, The maximum score fer a throw Is therefore 5 points itis possible to teach young athletes to perform a basic. standing discus throw and achieve a fa discus fight within a thirty minute ecaching session. The key ist focus on nstiing the correct discus grip and release, a ‘sandwich” starting positon anda "palm down” devery.

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