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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you with regard to you advertisement which was published in the
February issue of the magazine New York Times. I am interested in travelling
abroad and I would like to take part in one of your programmes. However I would
appreciate if you could give me more detailed information about your project.
To begin with, I would be grateful if you could tell me which European countries
take part in your programm as these detailes were not mentioned in your
advertisement. In addition, I would be interested in knowing whether the host
families provide meals (or whether I sould arrange otherwise)
Furtermore, I would like to know how much free time we would have besides
planned excursions. Please inform me about the lenght of stay in a country and
whether you provide language classes at local schools. I would also appreciate it
if you could tell me when the limited time for special prices is.
Finally, could you possibly send me an information booklet about your exchange
Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing
from you soon at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,

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