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The outlook of catching a plane, and fly across the Atlantic ocean , from

Amazon region straight to a summer course in a English University,

sounds at first to me , like a great opportunity, but also a big challenge ,
as It is not so simple to get out the comfort zone, and accept the challenge
of turn your reality 180 by moving to a foreign country.

During my childhood , as I Read my school books and started to

discover more about the countries locations and flags I became very
interested in their history , culture, their politics and especially their
military history . As I grow older and began to Search by myself for more
information about the topic , I realized that the Field of International
Relations would serve me well on the themes that had fascinated me since
then .

My beginning in the academic world was through the undergraduate

course in Social Sciences as In my hometown Belm , there is no
International relations course. As I am looking forward to preparing myself
to a master in International relations and trying to integrate into the
Brazilian diplomatic service the summer curse offered by Durham
University Middle East (in) Politics: Local developments and global
dynamics turns out to be a timeless opportunity not only to develop my
professional possibilities on the area, but also a chance to get in touch with
people from across the world with diverse ideas, theoretical Perspectives,
cultures and values.

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