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HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Teach Like a Champion Specialist Use this document to i tify the strengths, needs, and areas of support for the teachers you support li Compas: ln) Specialist Name: Cohort Members Name: No Opt Out Distinguished Proficient Emerging At least 85% of the time, the | Atleast 50% of the time, the | There is little or no evidence teacher: teacher: of the teacher: * At least 50% of the time, the | » There is litile or no evidence 1. Provides the answer; then teacher: of the teacher: hhas the student repeat the answer. 1. Provides the answer; then | 1. Providing the answer; No opt our: has the student repeat the then having the student Assequence | 2. Has another student provide } answer. repeat the answer. that begins | the answer, the initial student with a student | repeats the answer. 2. Has another student 2. Having another student ‘unwilling or provide the answer; the initial | _ provide the answer; the unableto | 3. Provides a cue; student uses | student repeats the answer. initial student repeats the answera | itto find the answer. answer. ‘question ends 3. Provides a cue; student uses with that | 4, Has another student provide | itto find the answer. 3, Providing a cue; student student giving | a cue; the initial student uses it uses it to find the answer, the right to find the answer. 4, Has another student answer as often provide a cue; the i 4, Having another student as possible student uses it t0| provide a cue; the initial even if they answer. student uses it to find the only repeat it answer. 1, Score Date: 2. Seore Date: 1. Score Date: 1, Seore Date: 3. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: 3. Score Date: HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Distinguished At least 85 % of the time, the Proficient At least 50% of the time, the teacher: Emerging ‘There is little or no evidence of the teacher: call on students regardless of whether they have raised their hands, increase pacing and energy and cause students to listen fo one another. 1. Score Date: Weg 2. Score Date: Wao 3. Score Date: 1. Is Positive: It's not come to everyone. Call on ‘multiple students, all around the ‘oom. Avoid making Cold Call 4, Unbundles: Break big complex questions apart into smaller connected ones. This rease pacing and and cause studen one another. 1. score Date: 18 2. Score Date: | | hs 3. Score Date: ve complex questions apart into smaller connected ones. This will increase pacing and energy and cause students fo listen to one another. 1, Score Date: 2, Score Date: 3. Score Date: HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Distinguished Proficient Emerging At least 85 % of the time, the teacher: At least 50% of the time, the | There is little or no evidence teacher: of the teacher: 1. Uses Economy of Language ) | 1. Uses Economy of Language ) focus on what is most important | focus on what is most important and nothing more) and nothing more) 1. Uses Economy of Language ) focus on what is most important and nothing more) 2, Does not take over (waits | 2. Does not take over ( waits until until there is no other talking or | there is no other talking or rustling) rustling) 3. Does not engage (avoids 3. Does not engage (avoids 3. Does not engage (avoids engaging in other topics until | engaging in other topics until __| engaging in other topics until they have satisfactorily resolved | they have satisfactorily resolved | they have satisfactorily the topic you initiated? the topic you initiated? resolved the topic you initiated? 2. Does not take over ( waits until there is no other talking or rustling) 4, Squares up, stands still (turns, | 4. Squares up, stands still (turns, with two feet and two shoulders | with two feet and two shoulders} 4. Squares up, stands still ( to face the object of your words | to face the object of your words | tums, with two feet and two directly) directly) shoulders to face the object of your words directly) 5, Teacher uses quiet power _| 5. Teacher uses quiet power (when you get nervous, anxious | (when you get nervous, anxious | 5, Teacher uses quiet power and upset, drop your voice and | and upset, drop your voice and | (when you get nervous, make students strain to listen. | make students strain to listen. _| anxious and upset, drop your Exude poise and clam even if | Exude poise and clam even if you | voice and make students strain you aren’t feeling it. aren’t feeling it, to listen, Exude poise and clam even if you aren’t feeling 1. Score Date: Wig 1.Seore Date: 2 Ig it, 2. Score ates\ | 2. Score Date: 1. Score Date: 3. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: 3. Score Date: een Distinguished At least 85 % of the time, the teacher: Proficient At least 50 % of the time, the teacher: ‘Make corrections consistently; but make ‘them, positively. ‘Narrate the ‘world you want your students to see ‘even while you are relentlessly ‘improving it, 1. Lives in now. Avoids harping on what they can no longer fix. (Say show me slant instead of you aren’t slanting) 2. Assumes the best. (Say ‘some people seem to have forgotten to push in their chairs ‘or whoops) 3. Allows plausible anonymity, (Some people didn’t manage to follow directions the whole way so let's try it again.) 4, Builds momentum, and narrates the positive, (I see pencils moving. I see ideas rolling out.) Narrating your ‘weakness only makes your weakness seem normal. If you say, “Some students didn’t do what I asked,” you made that situation public. 5. Challenges students as individuals or groups. 6. Talks expectations and aspirations. Keep theit eyes on the prize by constantly referring to it. Don’t ask sthetorical questions. Thank ‘you for joining us Pat instead of Would you like to join us Pat? 1. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: 1. Lives in now. Avoids harping ‘on what they can no longer fix. (Say show me slant instead of you aren’t slanting) 2. Assumes the best. (Say some people seem to have forgotten to push in their chairs or whoops) 3. Allows plausible anonymity. (Some people didn’t manage to follow directions the whole way so let's try it again.) 4, Builds momentum, and narrates the positive. (I see pencils moving. I see ideas rolling out.) Narrating your ‘weakness only makes your ‘weakness seem normal. If you say, “Some students didn’t do what | asked,” you made that situation public. 5. Challenges students as individuals or groups 6. Talks expectations and aspirations. Keep their eyes on the prize by constantly referring to it. Don’t ask rhetorical questions 1. Seore Date: || | a 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Emerging ‘There is little or no evidence of the teacher: 1. Lives in now. Avoids harping ‘on what they can no longer fix. (Say show me slant instead of you aren’t slanting) 2. Assumes the best. (Say some people seem to have forgotten to push in their chairs or whoops) 3. Allows plausible anonymity. (Some people didn’t manage to follow directions the whole way 0 let’ try it again.) 4, Builds momentum, and narrates the positive. (I see pencils moving, I see ideas rolling out.) Natrating your weakness only makes your weakness seem normal. If you say, “Some students didn’t do what I asked,” you made that situation public. 5. Challenges students as individuals or groups. 6. Talks expectations and aspirations. Keep their eyes on the prize by constantly referring tot 1 seanna: 1/4 Score Date: Whe . Score Date: | | [Bo hos etn INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Habits of Distinguished At least 85 % of the time, the teacher: Proficient ‘Emerging, At least 50% of the time, the teacher: There is little or no evidence of the teacher: Make your discussions ‘more productive and enjoyable by normalizing a set of ground rules or “habits” that allow “discussion to be more effiviently cohesive and connected. 1. Requires students to validate and build off of preceding statements made by classmates, using the names of and making eye contact with classmates, speaking oudly enough to be heard well, and framing comments articulately. 2. Provides sentence starter when needed. 3. Manages the meta, 1. Score Date: 2, Score Date: 3. Score Date: 1 Requires students to validate and build off of preceding statements made by classmates, using the names of and making eye contact with classmates, 1, Requires students to validate and build off of preceding statements made by classmates, using the names of and making eye contact with classmates, speaking loudly enough to be speaking loudly enough to | heard well, and framing, be heard well, and framing | comments articulately. ‘comments articulately. 2, Provides sentence starter when 2. Provides sentence starter | needed. when needed. 3. Manages the meta. 3. Manages the meta 1, Score Date: 1, Score Date: 2, Score Date: 2, Score Date: 3, Score Date: 3. Score Date: HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Distinguished At least 85% of the time, the teacher: 1. Differentiates between acknowledgment and praise (acknowledges when expectations have been met and praises when the exceptional has been achieved); Procise praise isa strategy that uses precise and |ustified praise for students, 2. Praises and acknowledges oud ~fixs soft, 3. Provides praise which is genuine (address praise and correction specifically to those who need to receive it don’t use the praise of one student to serve as the correction of another). 1, Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: Proficient At least 50 % of the time, the teacher: Emerging ‘There is little or no evidence of the teacher: 1. Differentiates between acknowledgment and praise (acknowledges when expectations have been met and praises when the exceptional has been achieved); 2. Praises and acknowledges loud — fixs soft; 3. Provides praise which is ‘genuine (address praise and correction specifically to those ‘who need to receive it—don’t use the praise of one student to serve as the correction of another). 1. Score Date: AG . Score Date: 2/20 3. Score Date: 1. Differentiates between acknowledgment and praise (acknowledges when expectations have been met and praises when the exceptional has been achieved); 2. Praises and acknowledges loud —fixs soft; 3. Provides praise which is genuine (address praise and correction specifically to those ‘who need to receive it don’t use the praise of one student to serve as the correction of another). 1. Score Date: alle HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST Private Distinguished Proficient Emerging Individual Correction Atleast 85% of the time, the | At least 50% of the time, ‘There is little or no evidence teacher: the teacher: of the teacher: Private Individual Correction allows ateacher to individually reinforce a student without any other students noticing, ‘When you have toname names, ‘you can still make use of privacy, T. Keeps their one ~on-one redireetions as private as possible. Lowers theit voice to preserve as much privacy as po: 2. Asks the class to work independently when needing more time with a student, making the intervention as “offstage” as possible. 3, Matches their redirection to the student, the behavior, and the context. 4. Redirects with simple non- verbal interventions or whole class reminders of class expectations. 5. Is careful to describe the solution, not the problem ( Using technique WHAT TO DO) 6. Emphasizes purpose (“this is important for you to learn.” over power (“when I ask someone to sit up, [expect to see them do it.” L. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date: Keeps their one-on-one redirections as private as possible, Lowers their voice to preserve as much privacy as possible, 2, Asks the class to work independently when needing ‘more time with a student, ‘making the intervention as “offstage” as possible, 3. Matches their redirection to the student, the behavior, and the context. 4. Redirects with simple non- verbal interventions or whole class reminders of class expectations, 5. Is careful to describe the solution, not the problem ( Using technique WHAT TO Do) 6. Emphasizes purpose (“ this is important for you to earn,” over power (“* when I ask someone to sit up, I expect to see them do it.” 1. Score Date: 2, Score Date: 3. Score Date: T. Keeps their one ~on-one redirections as private as possible. Lowers their voice to preserve as much privacy as, possible. 2. Asks the class to work independently when needing more time with a student, 3. Matches their redirection to the student, the behavior, and the contest. 4, Redirects with simple non- verbal interventions or whole class reminders of class expectations. 5. Is carefil to describe the solution, not the problem ( Using technique WHAT TO DO) 6. Emphasizes purpose (“ this is important for you to learn.” over power (“ when I ask someone to sit up, I expect to see them do it, 1. Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3, Score Date: Check for Understanding equals gathering data constantly and ‘in real-time, then acting on it promptly. HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Distinguished At least 85 % of the time, the teacher: 1, Adeptly, efficiently and frequently uses a variety of checking for understanding techniques to constantly monitor student learning. 2. Frequently and consistently uses, higher order thinking questions to push student thinking 3. Always uses real-time data to adjust instruction. 4. Unrelentingly focuses on student mastery of specific objectives. 5. Takes action quickly & effectively in response to failed mastery 6 Normalizes error (“Getting it ‘wrong is a normal part of getting it right”) 1 seor baw: “ER, 2. Score Date: to 3. Score Date: At least 50% of the time, the teacher: 1, Adeptly, efficiently and frequently uses a variety of checking for understanding techniques to constantly monitor student learning, 2. Frequently and consistently uses higher order thinking questions to push student thinking. 3. Always uses real-time data to adjust instruction, 4, Unrelentingly focuses on student mastery of specific objectives. 5, Takes action quickly & effectively in response to failed mastery 6 Normalizes error (Getting it wrong is a normal part of getting it right”) 1. Score Date: “IS 2, scoredaw: HE 3, Score Date: Emerging ‘There is little or no evidence of the teacher: 1. Adeptly, efficiently and frequently uses a variety of checking for understanding techniques to constantly monitor student learning, 2. Frequently and consistently uses higher order thinking questions to push student thinking, 3. Always uses real-time data to adjust instruction, 4. Unrelentingly focuses on student mastery of specific objectives. 5. Takes action quickly & effectively in response to failed mastery 6 Normalizes error (“Getting it wrong is a normal part of getting it right”) 1. Score Date: 2, Score Date: 3, Score Date: HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Joy Factor Celebrate the work of earning as you 0. Distinguished At least 85% of the time, the teacher: T, Uses fun and games to draw on a kid's love for challenges, competition and play. 2. Makes kids feel they belong and are a part of “us”. 3. Uses drama, song and dance to raise spirits and establish collective identity 4, Invokes humor to make happy and fulfilled students, 5. Uses suspense and surprise to make the classroom an adventure, 1, Score Date: 2. Score Date: 3, Score Date: Proficient At least 50 % of the time, the teacher: 1. Uses fun and games to draw on a kid’s love for challenges, competition and play. 2, Makes kids feel they belong and are a part of “us”. 3. Uses drama, song and dance to raise spirits and establish collective identity 4 Invokes humor to make happy and fulfilled students, 5, Uses suspense and surprise to make the classroom an adventure. 1, Seore Date: 2, Seore Date: 3, Score Date: Emerging ‘There is litle or no evidence of the teacher: T. Uses fu and games to draw on a kid’s love for challenges, competition and play. 2. Makes kids feel they belong and are a part of “us”. 3, Uses drama, song and dance to raise spirits and establish collective identity 4, Invokes humor to make happy and fulfilled students. 5. Uses suspense and surprise to make the elasstoom an adventure, 1. Seore Date: 2. Score Date: 3. Score Date:

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