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The Honorable Herb J. Wesson Jr.

City Council District 10
1819 S. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90006

Dear Councilman Herb J. Wesson Jr.,

My name is Alexis Calvillo, I am eighteen years old and I'm currently a senior at
Ambassador School of Global Leadership. I am addressing the current issues that we are facing
within the community of Koreatown; Problems such as littering and car accidents has been
negatively affecting this community. As someone who was born and raised in Koreatown; I
believe these issues have been problems in koreatown for a while now and although it has been
progressing through these past years; the problem hasn't been taken care of.

The First problem that I would like to address is the trash issue and littering. In
Koreatown, there are streets that are extremely filthy. Not only is this bad for our image, but it's
bad for the environment as well. What we can do to solve this situation is that we, as a
community, can start picking up after ourselves more often in order to prevent trash from falling
onto the ground; We can also have more trash can and recycling bins placed around common
places where trash is an issue.

The second problem that we are facing is the lack of street lamps. Many streets within
Koreatown, especially near Olympic, dont have as much street lamps as others. This can be a
problem during the night since it's harder to navigate and dangerous to walk through and causes
problems such as car accidents and theft. One thing that we can do to solve this issue is that we
need to start placing street lamps in location where there are most needed. Doing so could allow
people to use these streets to go home faster and safer, decrease criminal activity such as rape
and theft, and help identify criminals if such thing occurs.

As there are more issues that Koreatown is facing, we can make this community a better
place by solve these major issues first. I feel that by accomplishing this, it will give the
community a better image for tourists to visit, which we can benefit from. I would be pleased if
you took this into consideration.


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