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Distance Learning Facilitator Training Manual

Presented by: ShaDonna Gray


Professor Danene Mims


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This facilitator training manual is useful to trainees of current facilitators who do not

have experience in distance learning environment. Whether you take the approach as a journey,

a voyage or excursion, this training is a journey that outlines the steps that need to be taken to

become a successful distance learning facilitator.

This facilitator training program is for adult education facilitators. The audience of these

adult education facilitators has no previous experience in the distance learning instructional

environment. This facilitator training program can be used by trainees to incorporate key

elements for developing distance learning facilitator skills.


What is distance learning? Rouse (n.d.), Distance learning, sometimes called e-

learning, is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to be carried out

remotely by using electronic communication. Distance learning takes place in an asynchronous

environment. According to "Different Types Of Distance Learning" (n.d.), Synchronous literally

means at the same time, while asynchronous means not at the same time. Synchronous

distance learning involves live communication either through sitting in a classroom, chatting

online, or teleconferencing. Asynchronous distance learning usually has a set of weekly

deadlines, but otherwise allows students to work at their own pace. Students have more

interaction with their peers and deliver correspondence through online bulletin boards.


The assumed current skill sets of the audience are higher education faculty members.

These faculty members have knowledge of content and limited technological skills. The faculty

member, however, do not have enhances knowledge different technological methods and how to

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communicate in an online setting. The assumed current experiences are exposure of

technological methods and in face to face interaction within a traditional classroom setting. The

facilitator should be an active instructor with access to the classroom environment and necessary

resources. The trainee will have current knowledge of their classes that will be taught. The

trainee will have at least two years of experience in their field which will ensure their thorough

knowledge of their material that will be taught.


Identify theories needed to identify skills.

Master the usage of various technological resources.

Implement communities of engagement for learners and facilitators.


Introduce each facilitator to the different types of instructors and analyze each

instructors identity.

Define a supportive community for the facilitator.

Assessment for Trainees

Success of trainees will be measured through interactive modules as individual assignments

and group assignments. The success of my program will be evaluated by survey evaluations,

online facilitator retention and mentorship advancement.

Online Facilitator Roles and Skills


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As outline in the article entitled, Five Essential Skills Instructors Need to Facilitate Online

Group Work and Collaboration, Five Vital Skills for Online Course Instructors are outlined:

Create a Social and Active Learning Community- It is up to the facilitator to create an

environment that sets a positive tone and where the student feels safe and feels

comfortable being themselves.

Demonstrate Leadership- The facilitator should be a learning leader. A learning leader

sets expectations, is visible to students, provides timely feedback and post strategies for

effective teamwork.

(Over) Communicate- Implement different types of communication within the distance

learning environment. For example: audio, videos or synchronous communication such

as online chat

Deal with Conflict- Encourage students to engage with each other and provide standards

of how to deal with conflict, set limitations as to when the facilitator will interject and

help resolve conflict such as a group meeting to serve as moderator.

Monitor Student Progress and Provide Feedback The facilitator should monitor student

engagement and provide feedback to the group and individually when needed.

(Morrison, n.d.)

There are numerous strategies that might be used to preset these skills to facilitators. It is the

trainees responsibility to gauge the amount of trainees and their engagement. Possible strategies

are to create a welcome video to students that will aide in creating a social and active learning

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community, include role playing to deal with conflict, or creating a benchmark outline

assignments that lead up to the final assignment that will help to monitor student progress.

Phases of Development

Transitioning from a synchronous to an asynchronous facilitator training program, phases

of development for distance learning facilitators are observed. These five phases of development


Visitorthose faculty who have toyed with the idea of technology integration in their

face-to-face classes and who may have posted a syllabus or assignments online or used e-

mail for assignment completion.

Novicethose faculty who have never taught online and who may or may not have

taken an online course as a student but have consistently posted a syllabus online and

have used some communications technologies to supplement their face-to-face teaching.

Apprenticethose faculty who have taught online for one or two terms. They may have

taught more than one course per term. They are developing an understanding of the

online environment and the skills required to teach online.

Insiderthose faculty who have taught more than two semesters online and have taught

more than one course per term. They feel comfortable in the online environment, are

proficient with course management technology, and have basic understanding of the skills

needed for online teaching. They may have designed one or more online courses

Masterthose faculty who have taught online for multiple terms and have designed

several online courses. They have mastered the technology required to teach online and

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are likely to have integrated technology beyond the course management system into their

teaching. They feel extremely comfortable with the skills required to teach online and can

be called upon for peer support for newer online faculty. (Palloff & Pratt, 2011, p. 20)

There are transitions that occur between these stages. While these stages are not sequential

they are not finite either. The experience of a facilitator versus their technological competency

versus how they view themselves will change the stages that they identify. The different needs

of each facilitator will assess the stages that they are in and how soon they will transition to other

stages. It is important to note that the training program that this manual supports will appeal to

the visitor and novice stages. Their transition to the stages such as the apprentice will be evident

in their success (Palloff & Pratt, 2011).

Theories of Engaging Distance Learning

There are a few key ways to engage distance learning. One way is to appeal to the

students educational experiences as well as life experiences. Another way to engage a student is

to allow them to be creative and open minded with their research and not to be close minded with

the type of technology used.

Media Tools

There are various tools for student collaboration used in distance learning environment.

Three of these tools will be highlighted below:

A wiki (sometimes spelled "Wiki") is a server program that allows users to collaborate in

forming the content of a Web site. A wiki Web site operates on a principle of collaborative trust.

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The simplest wiki programs allow users to create and edit content. More advanced wikis have a

management component that allows a designated person to accept or reject changes. (Rouse,


Blogs are user generated web sites where the user makes entries into the blog in journal

style format. The entries are visible in reverse chronological order and there are usually links to

other website, pictures, or even ads visible within the blogs.

Mobile computing is a generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow people

to access data and information from where ever they are. Sometimes mobile computing is

referred to as "human-computer interaction," mobile computing transports data, voice and video

over a network via a mobile device (Bucki, n.d.).

All three of these media tools have four major similarities. These similarities are

connectivity, social engagement, personalization and creativity. All of these similarities are

useful when engaging student and enhancing their learning. (Bucki, n.d.).

Distance Learners

Cultural Learners- Culture affects distance and online learning. Not only are distance and

online learners apart in geography, time and setting, they are also distributed by culture.

Experiential Learners- Distance learners prefer experiential learning because it allows a

learner to experience or try a variety of methods to learn-specifically reflective learning.

Non-traditional learners- Distance learners are adults who may or may not have been able

to attend classes in their early years and are now returning to the classroom for various

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reasons such as career advancement or just a personal accomplishment. These learners

may have a learning curve with technology.

(Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011).

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learners

Asynchronous facilitation skills and training do not require students and instructors to be

present at the same time for instruction. Synchronous facilitation skills require the students and

instructors to be present at the same time for instruction. There are a few advantages and

disadvantages to the synchronous and asynchronous facilitation skills. Synchronous facilitation

allows instructors to know when students are frustrated and need to be redirected. A

disadvantage is that the pace of the course has to coincide with the slowest learner and the more

advanced learner. An advantage of asynchronous facilitation is that it is flexible and learners can

fit the course into their schedules. A disadvantage of asynchronous facilitation is that there is no

immediate access to an instructor for problems ("Synchronous Or Asynchronous? How To Pick

Your Training Delivery Method", 2017).

Technology Management Issues

Technology management issues are prevalent and will continuously be prevalent in the

distance learning environment. It is important to note that with the rapid evolution of technology

there is never enough time allotted to uncover and resolve any major issues that technology may

present. Often times facilitators are introduced to new technology resources and they wish to

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implement them into the classroom. Issues that arise with this are the safety of the new

technological resource and how it can affect not only the class but the university as a whole.

Also, there is no access to have an issue fixed with the Tech Support team because they are not

accustomed to the new technology resource.

Classroom Management Issues

Classroom management issues arise just as they do in the traditional classroom if not so

more in the distance learning classroom. Some of the most prevalent distance learning

classroom management issues stem from the fact that there is no face to face interaction. There

is no body language or identity that is shared that will deflect classroom issues. This eliminates

the ability for redirected feedback or for real-time feedback to occur.

Challenging Behaviors

Cyber-bullying occurs within the distance learning environment at an alarming rate.

Most cyber-bullying occurs because there is not identity identifiable to the accuser. There are

uncomfortable statements made that are difficult for the online instructor to manage unless it is

brought to their attention. Inappropriate posts have to be closely monitored as well.

Inappropriate posts can create a hostile environment between the instructor and students. This

behavior can stem from being biased to a situation or just to engage in inappropriate activity that

will cause hostility. Instructors commonly face lack of participation and engagement within the

distance learning environment. It is essential for the instructor to be visible and to encourage

participation. Incentives can be given to those who participate and engage.


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As a trainee of distance learning facilitators, please approach the training environment

with an open mind. Always remember that the distance learning has no need for innovation as

much as it has a need for improvement and insight. Make sure to respect the opinions of the

trainers as professionals and remember that they learn best while sharing their personal

experiences. For further insight or supportive material please visit my website at


Bucki, J. (n.d.). Definition and Explanation of Mobile Computing . Retrieved from

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Different Types of Distance Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Haythornthwaite, C., & Andrews, R. (2011).

E-Learning theory & practice. London: Sage Productions

Morrison, D. (n.d.). Five Essential Skills Instructors Need to Facilitate Online Group Work &
Collaboration. Retrieved from

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2011).

The excellent online instructor: Strategies for professional development.

San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Rouse, M. (n.d.). What is Distance Learning?. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (n.d.). What is Wiki?. Retrieved from

Synchronous or Asynchronous? How to Pick Your Training Delivery Method. (2017). Retrieved

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