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1 Robinson

Maya Robinson
Angela Miss
URWT 1104
April 4, 2017
Annotated Bibliography
Nasir, Na'Ilah S, and Jasiyah Al-Amin. "Creating Identity-Safe Spaces on College Campuses for
Muslim Students." Change: the Magazine of Higher Learning. 38.2 (2006): 22-27. Print.
This article looked at different groups of Muslim college students that go to
different kinds of schools. It talked about the different kind of experiences the Muslim
students had such as feeling comfortable enough to wear a hijab to downright
discriminatory actions such as being kicked off the basketball team. It provided good
information on what some students experience and how they are treated on college
campuses. This source would be very helpful toward the critical inquiry project since it
gives 1st hand experiences about Muslims in college. This is a source that could be useful
to the project and one that I would use.
Lipka, Michael. Muslims and Islam: Key Findings in the U.S. and around the World. Pew
Research Center, Pew Research Center, 27 Feb. 2017,
Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.
This article talked generally about Muslims in the United States and in the world.
It provided information from different countries on different subjects such as what
Muslims believe around the world or how Muslim countries and the US view each other.
This source was helpful in gaining a better understanding of the situation and provide
some information about Muslims in the US, but did not relate heavily to the project.
Since the project is about Muslims in college and not necessarily in the US the source
cannot be completely used towards the project.

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