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1) Alexis Calvillo

2) May 19, 1998

3) This year, I am applying to four Cal States and three public universities.
The reason why applied to Cal State Los Angeles, Cal State East Bay and
San Francisco State University is because they are all friendly towards
criminal justice (which is what I want to major in) and are located in nice
locations filled with activities to do. Both Cal State Bakersfield and Cal
State are pretty much close to home with CSB being an two hour drive and
CSLA just being just a 17 hour drive. The idea of attending school near
home is nice, but ive always thought of attending school outside of Los
Angeles, which is the main reason why I applied to both CSEB and SFSU.
Finally, I applied to SMC, GCC and PCC is because I want to have the
opportunity of attending an even better school. After two years at a public
university, I plan to transfer to CSULB or UCI.

4) The majors that im interested in are criminal justice, culinary arts,

business management, marketing and film editing. In order to become a
crime scene investigator, I must major in criminal justice so that I can earn
a bachelors degree in forensics and become a crime scene investigator. If
I want to have a career as a four-to-five star chef, I must major in culinary
arts so that I can receive a bachelor's degree in culinary science and have
above average cooking skills when i began my career. When I thought
about becoming a chef, I also thought about opening my own restaurant,
however I would need to major in the line of business management and
marketing. Last to become a film editor, I must major in film editing and
receive a degree in film editing.

5) My main career choice that I want to pursuit is joining the Crime Scene
Investigation office. Ever since I was fourteen, I have always enjoyed
challenges, especially when it came to solving problems. I always thought
the idea of scavenging evidence from a minimum amount of evidence so
exciting and fascinating. Around the age of sixteen, I started watching CSI
and got hooked. I wasnt soon until I began doing research on the career
choice and seeing that the job description matched the one as my
interests, I knew that I wanted to join the CSI.
6) My friends say that I'm organized and in some cases too organized.
Whether i'm writing notes down, organizing my folder or even write neatly, I
just don't like it when things are misplaced and messy. I think as myself as
independent; I dont really on others to stay after school after school or in
completing assignments; Though help is sometimes nice, I like being my
own boss. I am also Humble; I dont like being praised as if I did something
extraordinary just for doing something minor as solving a problem. I think I
am also honest; Whether if it's with myself or other, I always comment on
what I think is the right choice. Lastly, I respectful; when it comes to and
argument, I am always listen to what the other person has to say, even if I
strongly disagree with them.

7) I think that my personal interests is what makes me stand out from the
rest of the class. I enjoy listening to Rap and Hip-Hop, however it's not the
only genre of music that I listen to, In fact I like every genre (except
country) even if it's in a different language. I also enjoy listening to
instrumentals and original soundtracks even when i'm not study or doing
homework; Whether it's from a movie, video game or television show, i'm
all ears. I feel like I i'm the biggest movie junkie in the entire class of 2017.
I enjoy all types of movies; Old or new, thriller or comedy, I always find a
way to enjoy myself, even if there bad (though sometimes I seen movies
that are so bad, they hurt).

8) In the beginning of my freshman year, I wasnt trying to earn good

grades. Procrastination got the best of me and I would began to complete
assignments a day before the deadline; sometimes I wouldn't even turn it
in at all. I knew that I couldnt keep it up with this behavior so in the
beginning of my junior year, I began to Improve; Through it was minor
process at a time, I saw an improvement in my GPA. As a student, my
work ethics were improving and is still improving, but as a person overall, I
feel that i'm more responsible and more organized.

9) My vision for the world is for everyone to have the opportunity to pursuit
after the life that they dream of living.
10) In life, you should always be kind to other even if they arent in return
because you will be rewarded in the future for your generosity.
11) i dont really have any hobbies other than painting however ill usually
play certain sports when I feel that I have time to kill.

12) For my freshman and sophomore year, I was in both the Cross Country
and Track & Field teams were I could run in endurance-based events. As
of now, i'm in the Rotary Interact Club where i'm participating in projects
that benefit the community and causes.

13) I have a GPA of 2.7 (which is a B+)

14) SAT scores 950

15) A life well lived in my opinion is one where you achieved your desires
after a long and stressful journey from high school all the way to adulthood.

16) success and happiness is when all your hard work payed off and
you're living a wonderful life doing what you love with the people that you
care for.

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