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an: Taylor Stoll Supervisor: Jessica Week: 5 Time: 5pm Behavioral Goal: Major Goal of the Activity: Johnny will focus on running light on his feet with his chest up to pay for circus tickets for his friends. Type of Activity: Body Projection Name of Activity: “Take me to the Circus” Detailed Description of Activity: Johnny needs to buy tickets for each of his, friends to get into the circus. He will take money from a cone at the back of the room and run 35 feet to the poster at the front of the room. Once he reaches the poster, he will stick the money to the ticket booth and remove a ticket to take to. ‘one of his friends (other students). Then he will walk back to the bank near the door. This will be repeated 5 times unt all of his friends have a ticket to the circus. If he is doing well with running, | will place cones (people in line) in his way to make him weave around them. Structuring the Environment: A poster resembling a circus tent in a field will be taped to the wall. At the starting point (back of the room near the door) there will be money taped to a cone for Johnny to take to the ticket office at the circus. Tickets will be attached to the ticket booth for him to take to his friends. Process Characteristics to be observed: = Headleyes: = Head i = Trunk * Inclined slightly forward (anterior weight shift) * Relaxed * Trunk relatively still = Arms/Hands: = Arms me from shoulder in A-P plane = Handsffingers relaxed = Legs/feet: + Feet point straight ahead + Narrow Base * legs under shoulder * Long stride Full fiexion and extension = Control: Comments: stable trunk, Period of suspension/non-support Even pace Smooth action Good speed Varied rate as needed Uses running to perform other tasks (i.e. games) Johnny completed this activity well today. He ran quickly and with a but as he became tired he began to slouch and run heavier on his feet and flop his arms. | had to constantly remind him to keep his arms by his sides and not let them swing too much. | explained the activity well to Johnny, but | should have had him pause and listen to simple feedback instructions after each round to make sure he was really hearing me instead of just hurrying through the activity. “*Child’s name has been changed for privacy 10) ia (6) daa LULU} ONE TICKET 303 Final Notebook Grade Sheet Name: \ olor Each item below is worth ten points. Title Page and Table of Contents: Observations: \0 \O Goals: Lesson Plans: \O Posectey ne CO (0 Overall Organizatio Total /60

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