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Art Theory and History Score:

1.What value technique is used in this photograph?

A Chromatic Contrast

B High Key

C Chiaroscuro

D Moodiness

2.This shape pattern is an example of

A Overlap

B Figure/Ground Relationship

C Implied Line

D Symbology

3.This color wheel is an example of

A Monochromatic color

B Subtractive color theory

C Analogous color

D Additive color theory

4.Who did this painting?

A Salvador Dali

B Pablo Picasso

C MC Escher

D Vincent van Gogh

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5.What type of texture is demonstrated in this work?
A Modeling

B Shading

C Impasto

D Line

6.What Renaissance artist sculpted this statue?

A Donatello

B Michelangelo

C Leonardo da Vinci

D Raphael

7.What time period does this art style come from?

A Grecco-Roman

B High Greek

C Baroque

D Byzantine

8.What is this an example of?

A Contrast

B Color

C Analogus Cool

D Photorealism

9.What is this an example of?

A Semiotics

B Selective Color

C Mimesis

D Panorama

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10.What painting is this?
A Raphael, Madonna in the Meadow, 1505-06

B Giorgione, The Tempest, ca. 1509-10

C Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1505-1510

D Titian, Pastoral Symphony, ca. 1508-10

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