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February 26, 2017

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

My name is Rhianna Heinz, referred to as Ms. H by students, and I am your childs biology
teacher at [Schools name]. This will be my first year teaching, both in my own classroom and at
[Schools name]. I am a graduate from Arizona State Univeristy and have the certifications to not
only teach biology at the high school level, but also 7th and 8th grade science, along with middle
school math.
My expectations for the students are to do their work and come to class, but also to engage in
discussions, respect their teacher, peers and other guests in the classroom, but also to respect, and
keep you informed in what is going on, not only in my class, but throughout the school. Student
and school announcements will be posted on my school site, [web address given], along with an
academic calendar with assignments, projects and lessons and rules, policies and expectations in
the classroom.
From the parents, all I ask is that we support one another, in order to give the best education, and
experience we can to your student. Encourage them to attend class, have them to do their
homework and have them ask questions if you see that they need help. We can work together to
create a successful atmosphere for not only your student, but all the students in the classroom. In
return, my mission is to educate your child, not only in the subject of biology, but also by
teaching them literacy and organizational strategies that will help them throughout high school,
but skills that will benefit them well beyond high school, as well.
I am excited to have each of the students in my class, and this should be an exciting and
educating experience for all of us this coming year. If you would like to contact me email me at
[District email] or give the classroom phone a ring at [Classroom phone number].

Thank you and look forward to working with you,

Rhianna J. Heinz

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