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Dianaliz Snchez Zavala

MPH 5231
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
Masters in Public Health Program
Summer 2016
"Moms on the Move": A physical activity intervention for WIC mothers

The aim of this study was to evaluate "Moms on the Move," a provider counseled

physical activity intervention based on mothers in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

program. The intervention was based on the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior

change. The same model that is discuss in chapter 4 of our class book. Sedentary mothers are

important in the reach of physical activity promotion. In this study the authors used a sample

size of 44 Sedentary mothers (N = 44) and were randomized to differents interventions such

as moms on the Move, counseling on self-breast examination, Pre- and posttest measurement

baseline and 2 weeks after the 8-week interventions. The intervention developed for WIC

mothers includes more follow-up telephone contact. Physical activity promotion should

consider transitions associated with womens aging not only as times of reduced participation

in physical activity, but also as opportunities to promote physical activity for women

.Motherhood is a developmental stage associated with reduced physical activity and efforts to

reach this population for physical activity behavior change are needed.This TTM-derived

intervention is tailored for low income women with children that are active in the WIC


In conclusion, WIC mothers are at risk for sedentary living. Further testing is needed,

Moms on the Move appears to be an efficacious intervention. My main critique is that if the

follow up interviews via phone call were made with fewer questions it would be more

accertain and the chances to get accurate answers would be higher. Usually people tend to
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dislike long questionaries, and making this follow up interviews long could result in

information bias.
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NL, F. & M, S. (2016). Development and expert evaluation of "Moms on the Move," a

physical activity intervention for WIC mothers. Women, Infants, and Children. - PubMed -

NCBI. Retrieved from

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