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Joseph Amrith Rajs

WebSphere & SOA


WebSphere MQ
Basic and Advanced

Chapter 4 : MQ Objects
Queue Manager

Controls access to queues:

administration (create, delete, etc)
usage (Put, Get)
serves as transaction (syncpoint) coordinator for all queue operations.
Provides standard APIs (MQI) for applications to put/get messages to/from
Queue Managers have names (identities) that are UNIQUE in a network
(like host names).
Segments/Groups messages
Can send one message to more than one destination with one
API call by using the dynamic distribution list and hence reduces network

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library


Queues store the messages sent by program

WebSphere MQ defines four types of queues. A queue instance is fully
qualified by its queue manager and queue name.
Local Queue - an actual queue for which storage is allocated.
Remote Queue - a definition of a queue on a different queue
manager (acts somewhat like a pointer)
Alias Queue - another name for a local or remote queue. Typically
used to switch queue destinations without modifying program code.
Model Queue - a template whose properties are copied when
creating a new dynamic local queue ( create queue xxx like queue
Properties - Maximum Message Size, Maximum Queue Depth, High/Low
Factors, Enable/Disable Put or Get, Persistent/Not Persistent

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

Special Queues
Transmission queue
It is a type of local queue
Transmission queues are used as an intermediate step when sending messages to queues that
are owned by a different queue manager
There is only one transmission queue for each remote queue manager
This could be a local or a remote queue.
This is the queue in which the responding program puts the reply message
It is a local queue
Queue used as a repository for all the un-delivered messages
If any of the below conditions occur, then queue manager writes the messages to the deadletter-
Destination queue is full
Destination queue does not exist
Message put operation is inhibited on the queue
Message is too large
Message contains a duplicate message sequence number
Repository queue
It is a local queue
Used in message queue manager clusters to hold either a full or partial repository of queue

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library


Message Channel
Provides a communication path between two queue managers on
the same, or different, platforms.
A message channel can transmit messages in one direction only.
If two-way communication is required between two queue managers,
two message channels are required.
Comprises two channel agents, sender, receiver and a
communication protocol

MQI Channel
Connects an MQ series client to a queue manager in its server

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

Message Channels

Types of message channels:

Sender - initiates connection to Receiver
Server - Accepts request to start from requester, then becomes Sender
Receiver - Passive; waits for initiation sequence form Sender
Requester - Active at start, then becomes Receiver
Cluster-sender (used amongst Cluster Queue Managers)

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

Message Transfer across channels

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

WebSphere MQ: Assured Delivery

If queues are persistent, and message is persistent, then MCAs will

eventually deliver the message to the target queue, and target
application will get it!

MCAs have recoverable state - theyre STATEFUL - and a connection-

oriented protocol.

Message is not removed from xmit queue until partner MCA confirms
placement on target queue

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

Events, Triggers, Process
Used for defining Applications for Triggering.
Trigger Monitor executes the application Command listed in Process.
Triggering is useful when you dont want to deploy long-running programs.

Events & Triggering

Local queues can generate events (messages) under certain conditions (like queue
These event messages can be used to trigger the execution of a program.
These events are called trigger messages. The queue on which they are put is
called an Initiation Queue.

Joseph Amrith Raj's WebSphere & SOA Library

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