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Student Name Catlin Lilly Site Supervisor Lindsey Lyon

Learning Strategies Evaluation


1. How to get to Working through M-1 My taxable income ties with the trial
taxable income workbook and how to get balance.
and the the adjustments.
concepts of
how to get

2. Figuring out Work within all the different Throughout the internship weigh the
which area of departments of DHG. pros and cons to all three and then
accounting I Including: Tax, Audit, and at the end of the internship see
like the best. Dealerships which one overall suits me best.

3. Learn how to File returns for different Check with my manager under that
file different types of clients. Such as: return and make sure that I filed it
types of Partnerships and correctly and fix any review notes
returns. Corporations they may have.

4. Interact with Go out of the office for a Check with my manager at the time
clients face-to- couple clients. Work at to see how I did working at the
face and get their office and talk to clients office and ask them for any
comfortable in different people within the recommendations to improve.
doing so. company.

5. Learn the audit Be assigned to an audit Go over the work I did with my
process of and get to work on manager on the client with me and
accounting. workpapers within the take any notes they have for me and
audit. Reconcile different make sure to apply them next time.
accounts. Such as: Cash
and Accounts Receivable

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