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Esteem needs

The study will discuss the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer

buying behavior. In the determination of the relationship between the two variables, Cognitive

Response Approach and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs will be utilized as the basis.

Initially, consumers will seek the satisfaction of their physiological needs since it is the

basic needs for survival and esteem needs which are needed for their daily interaction with

people. And apparel is one of the needs of the consumers that could both satisfy their

physiological and esteem needs. Apparel is within the basic needs of consumers since they need

clothing to keep them warm and covered. It can also be considered as a need for esteem since it

could contribute to the overall decency and appearance of the consumer which will result to self-

worth, confidence, and the feeling of being respected. When consumers become aware of their

physiological and esteem needs, the search begins for a brand of apparel that could satisfy their

needs such as their physiological and esteem. As they search for what could satisfy their needs

and at the same time they become exposed to celebrity endorsements, consumers will respond

through formulating perception about the product and celebrity endorser. When these perceptions
are instilled in the minds of the consumers, the brand attitude will then be formed in the minds of

the consumers. As seen in the figure, the product itself and celebrity endorsers create the attitude

of the brand or what consumers feel toward the brand of apparel and how they perceive it.. The

consumers perception of the brand attitude could either be positive or negative but either way it

can affect the consumer buying behavior.

The study will focus on the influence of celebrity endorsers to the brand attitude or what

consumers feel toward the brand of apparel and how they perceive it which will more likely

result from the consumer buying behavior.

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