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Developmental Checklist 3 Year Olds

Physical Growth/Motor Development Date Date Date Date

Copies circles
Manipulates clay, puzzles, scissors

Runs around obstacles
Walks on a line
Hops/balances on one foot
Steers and pedals tricycle
Throws ball overhand
Jumps with two feet
Begins to use zippers, buttons to dress

Social/Personal Development
Tells name
May continue to play alongside others
or join in the play
Takes turns
Identifies others
Accepts responsibility
Demonstrates self-control
Begins dramatic play/pretends

Cognitive/Language Development
Solves problems
Listens attentively
Follows simple directions
Completes a task
Can express self verbally
Compares size
Recognizes and matches colors
Draws picture, can explain it to an adult
Asks why questions
Knows name
Knows age
Has short attention span
Can group objects
Talks in sentences
Begins to understand time concepts
Refers to self as I or me
Speech is understandable, using sentences

Emotional Development/Feelings
Is developing self-confidence
Expresses feelings in an appropriate manner
Accepts constructive criticism
Developing humor, may be silly
Can revert to toddler behavior of sucking thumb,
crying, etc. if unhappy

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